40- Final

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The bullet wound was bad, that much I knew. I was too lost in the pain to know if it would be fatal or not. After I lost consciousness from the blood loss, things came to me in snippets.

Bullets flew overhead, as Frank looked down at me. He was sobbing, "No no, Gerard, no. I can't lose you." He was ignoring the hail of bullets, and I noticed that he had taken off his shirt and was using it to apply pressure to my wound. Everything hurt, but my biggest fear was for Frank's well-being. At least his wound wasn't seeping through the bandage, I noticed.


The go-fast boat slapped the waves, causing my body to lurch and a sharp pain to erupt from my thigh. Laella was yelling, I couldn't tell what she was saying. Mikey's panicked face appeared in my field of vision.


Lyn-Z was carrying me bridal style with impressive strength, and Frank was holding my hand. We were on solid ground, though I had no idea where. "Please, Gee." Frank whispered, "You need to live. Please don't leave me." I opened my mouth to reply that I loved him and didn't want to leave him either, but I was too weak to move, let alone speak.


The next time I opened my eyes, I was lying on a small military-style cot. There was an excruciating pain in my thigh, and I looked down to see a thick bandage. It wasn't blood-soaked enough to be the first bandage on a bullet wound, so I assumed that at least a day had passed.

There was a chair near my bed, the old metal kind that couldn't have been comfortable to sit in for more than a few minutes at a time. Frank was sitting on it, head slumped and mouth slightly open. I recognized his sleeping patterns and grinned as he snored slightly.

"Frank?" My throat was dry, and the name came out of my lips as more of a croak. I coughed, and immediately felt light-headed. Clearly I had lost a lot of blood.

Frank stirred, then his eyes snapped open. "Gee!" He leapt out of his chair and rushed to my bedside. "You're alive! Mikey said he wasn't sure if you'd ever wake up."

Those words struck me like a ton of bricks. I had been closer to death than ever before, and I hadn't even been conscious to be aware of it. I had almost lost Frank. Almost.

"Get Mikey?" I said, though my tongue felt like sandpaper. My little brother had to know that I was okay.

"Water first." Frank directed, helping me to drink from a canteen of water. "I'll get Mikey, but we need to talk after."

I nodded weakly, though I was concerned as to what he wanted to talk about. Had my near-death experience proved to him that love was a weakness? Was he going to leave me?

I managed to push those worries to the side as Mikey came running into the plain little white room and dropped to his knees beside my cot.

"Oh Gerard, you scared me." Mikey embraced me, "You're not allowed to die, okay?"

"Okay, Mikes."

"Everyone is gonna wanna see you, but you and Frank should have some time first." Mikey kissed my forehead the way I used to do when I tucked him into bed as a child.

"I'll come back with some medicine for the pain in a bit." Mikey left, and Frank came back into the room.

"What do we need to talk about?" I asked nervously, fiddling with the thin blanket. For some reason, there was a growing fear inside of me that he was going to leave me. He had every right to do so, I wasn't about to force him to stay. I just knew it would break me if he left.

Frank sighed, "You almost died, and it- it got me thinking."

I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst.

Frank Iero Must Die {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now