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We were all tense.

The soonest flight to Vancouver was in a day and a bit, and none of us were sure if we could last that long.

Arguments seemed inevitable. Pete and Patrick were sticking close together and I could see Mikey gradually growing more and more angry. He had been reluctant to let Pete go in the first place, and seeing him move on so easily must have been difficult for him.

I was tempted to step in and have a...talk with Pete on my own, but I knew it would only upset my little brother further.

We had all moved to a bigger sort of living space, which had fold up chairs, tattered couches, and metal tables. I sat next to Frank (who was in his wheelchair) on a creaky loveseat and observed as Jimmy attempted to strike up a friendly, and distracting, conversation with Mikey. After multiple failures, he enlisted Ray's help and I watched as my old friend and my brother struck up a successful, if flirty, conversation.

Jimmy sauntered over to Frank and I, grinning proudly. "They'll be fucking within a week." He declared, looking back over at Mikey and Ray.

"Great, but I don't need to hear about my brother's sex life." I replied, crinkling my nose.

"You sure? From what he told me, he and Pete were pretty kinky." Jimmy said without missing a beat, and I felt my eyes widen.

"No! Nope. Bye!" I said, and Jimmy walked away with a huge smirk plastered across his face.

I shuddered, "There are some things I'd rather not know." I mumbled to Frank, who nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Y'know, I never got the chance to tell you how amazing you look in that dress." Frank said quietly, and I blushed despite myself, looking down at the flattering red material.

"Thank you." I mumbled shyly, and he smiled, his face a little pale which I assumed was due to all the makeup he was wearing at the moment.

My assumption was quickly proven incorrect as a whimper of pain fell from my boyfriend's mouth. His eyes were squeezed shut, his breath coming heavily, and he had pulled up his shirt and was gripping his bandage tightly. There was blood seeping through.

Lyn-Z came rushing over when she saw what was happening, and together we layed Frank out on the floor. He didn't even speak, he just made pained noises as tears started to slide down his cheeks. I helped him out of his cardigan and shirt, then we gently peeled back the bandage. I almost passed out.

Somehow, the wound had taken a turn for the worse. Maybe we'd waited too long to switch the bandages, maybe it was just his body reacting but either way, he had started bleeding again and it would become infected if we didn't do something.

"Mikey!" I yelled and suddenly all eyes were on us and everyone could see what was going on. "Get the first aid kit."

He took off running as everyone else gathered around, trying to find out what was going on. No one, least of all me, had expected this. "Ow." Frank whimpered, gripping my hand tightly, and I could see his knuckles turning white from the effort, but his grip was weak.

"Frank I need you to relax for me, alright?" I murmured, "You're going to be okay. It's all going to be okay." I stroked his hair as his grip relaxed and his breathing evened out. Frank opened his eyes and looked at me, his brow crinkled in pain. "I-I don't wanna die." He whispered.

I'm loathe to admit it, but I froze. He couldn't die. He couldn't. What would I do without Frank in my life?

I was snapped out of my moment of panic by Mikey re-entering the room, first aid kit in hand. I made Frank close his eyes while we wiped up the blood, got out medication, bandages, and all the sterile tools we would need to stitch him up. We made him comfortable on the floor, and while Patrick fussed over him, Ray pulled me aside.

"Look Gerard, I saw you freeze up back there. Maybe someone else should do the stitches."

"I'd never forgive someone else if they fucked it up." I replied.

"You'd never forgive yourself if you fucked it up." Ray retorted.

"I appreciate your concern Ray, I really do, but this needs to be me. I'd rather deal with this myself. No offense, but I don't want to trust anyone else with Frank's life."

Ray tilted his head, seeming fascinated, "You really do care about him, huh?"

I nodded, smiling ruefully before returning to Frank's side. Mikey handed me what I needed to stitch Frank back up, and I took a deep breath. "Frank, this is gonna hurt, okay?" He nodded, and I noticed other sloppily stitched scars on his stomach. Although those were likely from knife wounds, not bullets, he had been stitched up without being numbed before.

Slowly, with my hand no longer shaking and my eyes on the open wound, I plunged the needle under the skin.

Frank bit his lip, but kept his body relaxed as I stitched the hole in his skin shut. "Fucked up my tattoo." He mumbled as I finished, and I was proud to see that the stitched were as close to flawless as could be done by hand.

I laughed, partially amused and partially relieved. We applied the medicated ointment and bandages, and brought Frank pillows so he wouldn't have to stand up.

As everyone dispersed to let my boyfriend rest, I lay down next to him. "Hey Frankie." I whispered.

He smiled weakly, "Hey Gee. Thank you."

"It was no problem." I replied. "You mean the world to me, okay? What you said, about dying...I'm not going to let it happen. You're not going to die."

"I will eventually." He said with a shrug, "Might as well be now."

I winced, "Frank, I've been down that road, trust me, you don't want to go there. Think about the happiness we can fight for, think of the future. We'll die eventually but let's find our share of happiness first."

I meant what I said. Frank and I could have a future together, we just had to keep fighting and we'd get there eventually.

Frank blinked slowly, "Wow." He muttered to himself, and I could tell I'd given him a lot to think about. He half-smiled, clearly lost in though.

I pecked his lips, "And think about when you've healed and I start calling you Sir in bed."


thanks to wallflowerofcanada for reminding me that my wattpad account existed and i should probably write something


but anyway here ya guys go, a full update full of blood and frerard, as always

also, does anyone wanna draw Gerard in a dress for me bc i'll post it with the next chapter if you do

stick figures are welcome too

exams start in a month shoot me now

already started summative assignments and it's all downhill from here

nfg reference ooo

i'm stressed, tired and super cute

how are you guys?

stay in your lane boy and remember to create and destroy as you see fit

~dani ♥

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