Frank stared at me for a total of thirty seconds before uttering a quiet, "What?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I repeated. I just wanted an answer, preferably a yes, to put me at peace with whatever Frank and I were.

There was a stunned silence, then he said, "Yes! God, yes!" Then he jumped up wrapping his legs around my waist and kissing me violently. I laughed against his lips, overcome by sudden happiness as I kissed back passionately, wrapping my arms around him.

* * *

I lay in bed next to Frank, smiling like an idiot at how his arm was wrapped around me. Happiness invaded my mind to an insane amount, and I felt like I might burst. My life had never been a particularily happy one, but, as cheesy as it is, it definitely was now that I had Frank by my side.

Suddenly, he was mumbling in his sleep. "No...n-no! D-don'! No!" I stared at him for a second, alarmed, before coming to my senses and shaking his shoulder to wake him up. "Frankie, wake up. You're okay. You're safe." I cooed, holding him in my arms as he woke up, trembling.

"Sorry, Gee." he mumbled, once he had collected himself. I shook my head, "Your dad should be the one apologizing."

Frank's eyes widened, "How did you...?" "You talk in your sleep." I explained gently, kisssing his temple. Frank sighed softly, cuddling his body impossibly closer to mine and interwining our legs in a non-sexual way. "Thank you for being here." he whispered, and I smiled, "It's nothing." Then his lips were on mine, and I lost myself in the kiss, my fingers running through his hair as his hands cupped my face.

There was a spark. I didn't know exactly how to describe it, it was like his fingers carried a current of electricity that made my hair stand on end and shivers travel throughout my entire body. We pulled apart and he smiled at my, his perfect lips parting slightly, "I mean it Gerard, thank you."

Fucking shit, he was perfect. I had no way to know how this fucked up, feeble attempt at a relationship was going to turn out, but I was doing my best to make it work. It had to work. "You're welcome Frankie." I murmured, kissing him once again.

Just then, the hotel room phone rang. "It's two in the morning, who the fuck is calling us?" I demanded as I reached for the phone. "Hello?"

"Oh hey, Gee!" It was Mikey. "These walls are paper thin and we can hear everything, so we just wanted to let you know that you two are perfect for each other, and Frank moans too much during sex."

Frank, who had been leaning over my shoulder to listen in, blushed profusely. "Shut up, Mikey." I groaned in to the phone, and he cackled. Then I heard Pete's voice in the background. "Babe, are you on the phone? Come back to bed, I have to repay you for the favour you gave me earlier." Now it was my turn to cackle, "Mikey, what have I told you about blowing assassins in shady motels?"

My brother spluttered through the phone, "Gee!" "What?" I asked innocently as Frank laughed beside me. Mikey sighed, "Screw you, Gee." "That's my job." Frank interjected and I slapped his shoulder, "Guys! We need to sleep, and Mikey has a blow job to get. Reconvene tomorrow." Then I hung up on Mikey's nervous stutters of "Blow job? What blow job? Ah! Pete, wait, I'm still on the phone, just a minute!"

Frank lay back down in our bed, curling up in to a little ball. I resisted the urge to coo at his cuteness, settling for a smile and wrapping an arm around him, cuddling my body against his. "I like when you're the big spoon." He said randomly, and I laughed, kissing the top of his head, "Me too, Frankie."

"Gerard?" he asked, and I knew he wanted to have a serious conversation because he used my full name. "Yes?" "Do you think we'll ever be able to be a normal couple? Like, with a house and a dog and shit?" "I hope so." I told him, "And cats or get the fuck out." "Nooo we have to adopt a thousand puppies!" Frank cried, rolling over on top of me.

I smirked up at him, "Only if you can convince me." I suggested cheekily, and a smile spread across his face as he leaned down and kissed my neck.

His lips made their way across my neck slowly, biting and sucking in a way that would leave obvious hickies, before making their way down my chest to my boxers, which I'd put on after we last had sex.

"F-Frank..." I groaned as he inched my underwear of, slowly kissing lower and lower until he reached my tip. Without hesitation, he took my entire length in his mouth and I gasped, gripping his short hair tightly. "Fuck!" I yelled as he swirled his tongue around me, bobbing his head as he did so. The warmth of his mouth enclosed my length as he hollowed out his cheeks and took me impossibly deeper, running his tongue along me in a way that made me come undone. It wasn't long before I was tugging his hair in warning and releasing in his mouth with a cry. He swallowed it all easily and smiled innocently up at me, eyes clouded with lust.

I moistened my suddenly dry lips and managed to choke out, "W-we can definitely get puppies."

A wild blowjob appears

Sorry it's a little short

Actually I don't give a fuck

I started a new Jalex called Pull Your Punches btw


~Dani ♥

Frank Iero Must Die {Frerard}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora