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"Frank? Can I talk to you?"

Frank and Patrick looked up at me, and I smiled apologetically at Patrick. "Alone?" He nodded without complaint, allowing me to help him over to his crutches so he could leave, presumably to find Pete despite my wishes for my brother.

"Gee, have you been crying?" Frank leaned up as best he could, peering at me until I nodded reluctantly.

"Yeah. Um, I need to tell you something." Frank tilted his head, waiting for me to continue. I twisted my hands together in front of me. I was trembling and lightheaded. I had never been this nervous before in my entire life.

"I, um..." I sighed, running my fingers through my messy hair before looking him in the eye. "I'm kinda...gender fluid." I shut my eyes the moment the words were out, preparing myself for the worst.

And I got it. The worst. I got silence.

I slowly opened my eyes, then, "Wow. Uh, okay. Alright." Frank was staring, obviously not having expected this, "Can you just, like, explain what it means, because I've heard of it before but..." He trailed off as I nodded.

"So basically, sometimes I feel more like a guy, sometimes more like a girl, sometimes both and sometimes neither. It can get confusing so once I've told people I usually just ask them to use them and they pronouns for me." The words tumbled out in a nervous rush, but Frank seemed to hear it all.

"Okay. Sweetie, you're my boyfriend- or, uh, okay look. We're dating, and I care about you more than I've ever cared about anyone in my life. I'm gay, but my feelings for you aren't going to go away because of your gender identity. If you want to be called a girl sometimes, I'll tell you that you're the most beautiful girl in the goddamn world. If you're having a day where you don't know and it's stressing you out, I'll comfort you. I'll always be there. My sexual orientation takes second place to my feelings, because if you want me to define it, I wouldn't know how. Maybe I'm pansexual then, but I'm not changing the way I feel because you're gender fluid." Frank smiled up at me as my heart melted in my chest.

"Frank, I-I just...wow." I leaned down and kissed him gently, pulling away to smile at him. "Thank you." I mumbled, turning my head to the side to hide the nervous blush that refused to fade. My boyfriend brought a hand up to cup my cheek. I expected him to say something, but instead he just looked at me with those beautiful eyes.

Our moment was interrupted by and extremely hyper Jimmy Urine, who burst through the doorway. "Okay guys, Mikey and I just-: He glanced at us, "Oops, I just interrupted something. Anyway, Mikey and I just finished forging passports and stuff, we just need pictures of you guys in your disguises. C'mon!" Then he bounded out of the room without a second glance.

Laughing softly, I bent down, carefully picking Frank up bridal-style, with one arm under his knees and another under his back. I winced as I heard him stifle a cry of pain.

In the room where Jimmy and Mikey had been working on the forgeries, there were now racks full of clothing and shelves carrying multiple wigs and makeup containers, along with a few wheelchairs leaning against the wall.

The rest of the group was already there, assembling their outfits based on the information on each of our alternate identities that had been compiled in to lists by Jimmy and placed at the table in the front of the room.

I glanced at my own, a smile reaching my lips as I saw that I was to have black hair again. Turning, I set Frank down as gently as I could in one of the wheelchairs. I pushed him over to a rack of dresses and skirts, "Which one do you think I should wear?" I asked half-jokingly.

I was surprised to get a serious answer, "The red one." Frank said, as though there was nothing strange about two assassins shopping for dresses. I held up the red dress in question, a smile reaching my face. It was amazing to finally be able to express my gender identity as I pleased.

The dress was of medium length, flattering, but respectably so, and very professional-looking. "Now we need to pick you some old man clothes." I laughed to my boyfriend, who grinned at me.

"As dog-loving-hermit-like as possible, right?" Frank asked eagerly. I could only nod, my laughter impairing my ability to reply properly. I maneuvered the wheelchair over to a row of dull coloured sweaters.

"Take your pick." I told Frank, amused to see his eyes light up with excitement as he stretched his arms forward to search through what seemed like and endless supply of cardigans.

"This one!" He cried, tugging a plain brown one down. "Now t-shirts!"

"Yes sir." I mumbled sarcastically, steering him over to the t-shirts, not even prepared to thing about where Jimmy had procured all of this clothing from.

"Sir." Frank mused, "That's hot. You should call me that in bed."

I blushed despite myself, caught off guard as he suddenly seemed to be more confident than I was. "We'll see about that once you're healed." I said, helping him to reach a dark green shirt before picking out some loose jeans, a disappointing change from his usual tight ones. We grabbed some solid-coloured running shoes for him and small black heels for me before proceeding over to the makeup and hair area.

Half an hour later my hair was black and I was wearing makeup here and there. Frank had on a gray wig and some frighteningly realistic wrinkles, courtesy of a surprisingly steady-handed Pete Wentz. Jimmy took our pictures, photoshopping different clothes onto us so as not to make airport security suspicious.

Once everyone had been through that procedure, Jimmy turned to me. "Where are we going to go? I can call ahead and book us a flight."

"We need somewhere far, unknown, and not friendly with the States." I mused.

"How about somewhere that doesn't exist?" Lyn-Z piped up, brushing a strand of fake gray hair from her face. "'Cause there's the island off the coast of British Columbia in Canada that was involved in a Russian government cover-up years ago, and they just leave it alone now, the Canadians have no idea. If we fly to Vancouver, I know someone who can get us there under the radar."

"Perfect, everyone agrees? We'll stay there for a while then find somewhere tropical to settle." I told them, smiling as everyone nodded and Jimmy picked up his cellphone to get us a flight online.

At least we now had something of a game plan.


the strangest thing about not having an update day anymore is that I always have so much of my life to catch you guys up on when I do finally get around to updating

SO HEY EVERYONE this chapter is courtesy of The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me by Brand New and Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance because I just listened to those two albums as I wrote all this

SO to update you on my life:

I am once again single! *pushes people back from the barracades* chill, the cute girl at my school has dibs

aaand I came out to my parents about my gender identity which went better than I thought it would

a lot if my friends came out to me so I'M NOT ALONE IN MY GAYNESS ANYMORE

the gerard way concert is fast approaching (I consider less than two months to be soon okay)


ALSO holy fuckin shit have you guys heard fairly local like jfc I can't wait for the rest of blurryface

I think my author's note is longer than the chapter love me

I'm fairly local, I've been around, and remember to create and destroy as you see fit

~Dani ❤

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