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Frank and I had just finished pulling on our clothes when a faint knocking could be heard from the front door of Pete's apartment. I darted out of the bedroom and to the front door, looking through the peephole before opening it. Patrick smiled at me from where he stood in the doorway, a fedora that strangely suited him perched on his head. "Hello, you must be Gerard." He greeted me.

I nodded at the short, friendly-looking man I front of me, backing up so that he could enter the apartment. Frank appeared in the room, greeting Patrick with a grin. "Patty!" Patrick just put his hands on his hips and glared sassily at my boyfriend, "You're lucky I'm not in to killing people, or you'd be so dead right now."

Frank shifted from foot to foot guiltily, and I avoided Patrick's eyes.

"Look, we really need your help. It's life or death and all that shit." Frank admitted. Patrick folded his arms, "I know. You need my help to bring down these two organizations, but where does that leave me?"

Frank didn't seem to have a reply, so I decided that now would be an appropriate time to step in and help him out. "With us. Trust me, at the end of all this, that's the better place to be." He didn't look convinced, but he was obviously swayed by my argument.

"Patrick, I hate to play this card, but we need this to survive, and 'we' includes Pete." Frank spoke quietly, his tone that of someone mentioning some kind of forbidden secret. This was worrying.

The way Frank said that implied that Patrick had feelings for Pete, and although this should all have probably been the least of my worries, I wouldn't let Mikey get hurt. Patrick had better not make a move on Pete.

Frank didn't seem proud of the argument he had presented, especially when tears welled up in Patrick's eyes. The small man quickly brushed them away, readjusting his fedora, "Fine. If I die, I'm never speaking to you again." My boyfriend laughed in a way that was half amusement half relief, "Okay, do you have the plans?"

Patrick nodded, shrugging a black backpack off of his shoulders and opening it, retrieving a green file folder. From the folder, he pulled out and unfolded a massive piece of paper and placing it on the floor before crouching in front of it. "Get the rest of your team." Apparently, he was unaware that our 'team' was me, my five foot tall boyfriend, my little brother who believed in unicorns, and Pete.

Frank trotted off to the other room to fetch Pete and Mikey, muttering something about how he "hoped they weren't fucking". Left alone with Patrick, I decided that I might as well find out about his feelings for Pete while I had the chance. "So you like Pete?" I asked, aware of how blunt and rude I was being, Patrick glanced up at me, a shocked blush on his cheeks, "Um...yes."


"He has a boyfriend." I stated, forcing myself not to feel sympathy as Patrick's lower lip trembled. "Oh." There was a pause, "Who?" Seeing no reason to lie, I told him,"My brother Mikey." Patrick bit his lip and returned to studying the plans of the building, obviously trying not to cry. For some reason, I felt compelled to comfort him. Was I going soft? Damn it, Frank. "Look, I'm sorry. I can tell you really like him. It's just, I need to protect my brother's happiness."

He nodded, still not looking at me. At that moment, Frank, Pete, and Mikey appeared in the doorway. "What took so long?" I asked, causing Frank to wrinkle his nose cutely. "They were naked." Patrick looked ready to cry again. Now I was starting to really feel bad for the guy, something I knew I couldn't afford to do right now.

"Oh, hi Patrick!" Pete exclaimed, bounding forward and waving at the smaller man, who stood up and smiled. They hugged briefly, and Mikey cleared his throat after they'd pulled apart. "Right! This is my boyfriend, Mikey." Patrick and Mikey shook hands, but I was too busy overthinking all that had just transpired. Had Pete forgotten about my brother for that moment there because of Patrick? As nice as the guy seemed, that couldn't happen.

"You okay, babe?" Frank hummed quietly as the others spoke, wrapping his arms around my waist. I nodded, pulling him closer to my chest and kissing the top of his head, "I'm fine, sweetie. Just thinking." He nuzzled his head closer in to my chest, "Ew, thinking." I laughed softly, kissing his head once again before withdrawing from the hug and clearing my throat to catch everyone's attention.

"Alright guys, let's take a look at these plans then. Try to figure out the best ways in or out. Patrick?" I turned to him as I said his name. Patrick pulled out a few more papers from his file folder. "This is the main map, this one is the security system and guard shifts, and this is the ventilation system." He pointed at each map in turn, and we all fell silent as we studied them.

The security was tight, and according to Patrick, Pete, and Frank, the guards were intelligent as well as strong. Going in the front door was suicide, plain and simple. That left the ventilation ducts, but these people weren't idiots. They had security in the vents, scans every few minutes. Anything bigger than a small mouse was investigated immediately. Besides, none of the vents were direct routes to where we wanted to go. It seemed hopeless. Then, I had an idea.

"Patrick, do you have underground maps? Like below the archives? Service tunnels, drainpipes, sewers, anything?" I asked. He pulled yet another paper from his magic file folder, "I figured it might come in handy."

I spread the paper out on the floor and nearly clapped my hands in delight at what I saw. I had known that New York had an underground maze of sewers and service tunnels, but this was unbelievable. At least fifty different passages wound around underneath that one office building, several of them passing right underneath the high-access area of the underground archives.

"This is perfect." I murmured, tracing a couple of possible routes with my index finger. Frank leaned over the map beside me, "Look at this one." He was pointing to a service tunnel that ran under the exact area we needed to get in from, "It stretches out to a few blocks away, the perfect entry point through a sewer tunnel that's too small for anyone to give a fuck about." I studied the mad, seeing that he was right.

Mikey nodded, "How are you guys going to get through the floor?" Pete's eyes brightened, "I have an idea!" "Alright, let's hear it." I had no clue what I was getting in to.

* * *

"So basically, it's a bomb, muffled with cloth to lessen the impact of the explosion!" Pete was far too excited about this. "It'll still rock the foundation of the entire building, especially from below the basement." I argued, but he held up his index finger and continued, "And if we use enough material to muffle it, it might seem like a minor earthquake."

"A minor earthquake?" Frank practically yelled, "Are you a complete idiot? There's no way we would get away with that." Pete folded his arms, "You never know until you try." I shook my head, "Pete, we are never going to try that. Ever."

"Um," Mikey raised a hand hesitantly, "I have an idea." We all turned to him, "Go ahead." I prodded. "Honestly, we could just brute-force it." He shrugged, "A powerful drill, some conveniently disabled security systems," Mikey glanced at Patrick, "And we're good."

"Better than a minor earthquake." Frank agreed, earning a glare from Pete.

Patrick shot me a small smile, "Now all we need is a powerful drill."


I have braced myself for all the "it's not a band it's an idea" jokes that will come in because Gerard says he has an idea

SO as some of you may have noticed, I changed the cover a bit

Although, if anyone wants to make me a new one *wink* feel free bc I'm getting a bit bored of this one

Get the gang together, and remember to create and destroy as you see fit

~Dani ♡

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