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We left Ryan Ross' dead body tied to the chair.

I felt no remorse. He was another body, another person who had been in the way of my goals. Why couldn't I feel for him? Why wasn't I guilt-ridden? I knew I was capable of feeling emotions, especially seeing as I was pretty sure that what I felt for Frank was love.

Speaking of Frank, he acted like everything was fine, but I got the sense that he was upset about something. I knew he had no problem with killing Ryan, so there was no way that could be it, which left me wondering what in the world could be bothering my boyfriend so much.

That was why, when Pete offered to drive, I let him and didn't put up a fight when Mikey called shotgun.

As the van, which had been parked around the corner from Ryan's house (we had no problem leaving the crappy stolen Volkswagon), started to move and Mikey and Pete started a conversation in the front seat about which Motel we should go to, I turned to my boyfriend. "What's upsetting you?" I asked, but Frank shook his head.

"Nothing Gee, I'm fine." I bumped his shoulder with mine, "You're lying Frankie. I'm not an idiot, you know." Frank sighed, "I know, but it's stupid." "I'm your boyfriend, it's my job to listen to your stupid problems." I smiled slightly with one side of my mouth to show that it was a joke, but the point still stood. I did care about what was upsetting him, and I was worried that he wasn't okay right now. Had Ryan done something to hurt him? Maybe I should have hurt that asshole a lot more before Frank could get to kill him.

"Ross said some stuff that really got to me. It's ridiculous, I know. I should be more resilient because of my training. But he knew about my dad, Gerard. It surprised me when he mentioned him, and he managed to knock my gun away. He knocked me out and when I woke up, all he did was mock me. He told me my dad beat me for a reason, he said my dad would murder me if he could see me now. It just really hurt."

"Stupid, my ass." I muttered, wrapping my arms around my trembling boyfriend, "You deserve some reassuring after that." He leaned in to me and I savoured the warmth and comfort of the moment, "Ryan was lying, Frank. You're an amazing person and your dad did what he did because he isn't one. You never deserved any of this."

Frank laughed wryly, "An amazing person who murders." Deciding that it was time to lighten the mood, I placed a hand on my chest and pretended to be offended. "I like to think that I'm an amazing person too, and I'm just as bad."

He smiled, and I wondered how anyone could ever abuse such a good human being, or any human being for that matter. I was above that. Assassination is very different from abuse, thank you very much.

* * *

My brother eventually found us a new motel, slightly nicer than the old one. The rooms were more spacious, better decorated, and as I found out when Frank and I decided to take a quick rest after unpacking, had a really big mirror in each one. On the ceiling. Directly. Above. The. Bed.

The moment Frank noticed this, a devilish grin spread across his face. "Ooh, I just might enjoy this." He ran his finger up my chest as he said this, tugging the zipper of my black leather jacket down.

I was instantly on edge, my entire body tingling with anticipation as his other hand joined the first and he helped me pull my shirt over my head. I stepped forward, kissing him hard on the lips and pushing him down on the bed, occupying myself with leaving hickeys along his neck as he struggled to get my now much too tight pants off.

I kissed a small indent in the skin where his neck met his pronounced jaw, and he gasped loudly. "Oh my fucking god!" Pulling away slightly, I raised my eyebrows and he blushed slightly. The blush couldn't hide the way his pupils were blown out with lust.

"I want to ride you." Frank murmured seductively, tugging my pants down to my ankles while I reached down and pulled of my combat boots. I froze at his words, suddenly so unbearably hard, my breath catching. Nodding my head, I managed to tell him, "You're wearing way too many clothes."

Frank didn't bother to reply, he just pulled his shirt off and kissed me deeply. He'd somehow managed to roll over and away so that he could sling one leg over my waist and straddle my almost-naked body.

His hips rolled in a calculated movement that he was just so goddamn good at, and he threw his head back, opening his mouth slightly in a way that made me unsure if I wanted to pound him in to the mattress or have him pound me in to the mattress. I decided that having him ride me was a nice compromise between the two.

I found myself wanting, no, needing, more friction. He had my boxers off within mere seconds, and I managed to strip of him of what clothes he had left on him almost as quickly before pulling him closer for yet another kiss. His bare body moved against mine, hips bucking sensually in a wonderfully erotic way. My heart was pounding.

I was getting harder rapidly, and I was pleased to feel that Frank was too. His fingers danced softly over my hips, sparking wonderful sensations all over my body.

I rested a hand on his hip, the other on his thigh, as he slowly rose up above me, lowering himself on to me without any lube. The groan that escaped his mouth practically had me exploding then and there.

Frank ran his hands up my chest and gripped my shoulders, slowly moving his hips back and forth to get used to the feeling.

The warmth and friction made me gasp, and he grinned down at me, comnecting our lips in a quick kiss that was majorly tongue before lifting his hips hips up and slamming down all the way, the skin on skin contact echoing loudly through the room.

He cried out, his grip on my shoulders tightening impossibly as he began rocking his hips, moving up and down and gyrating them in ways that caused sensations that I had barely known were possible until now. Not that I was complaining.

"L-Look...up." Frank gasped out between movements, and I raised my eyes to meet the almost-forgotten mirror.

The sight was so hot that I couldn't help but allow a loud moan to escape my mouth. By now, Frank was looking up too as he continued his movements, and the image of our naked bodies moving together as we gasped and groaned was too much for both of us as we came in unison.

We proceeded to ride out our highs, already panting with exhaustion. Frank then lifted himself off of me before collapsing on the bed beside me as we both stared up at our sweaty reflections in the mirror.

"That was hot." He murmured, pulling up his knees so that he could slip his legs under the blanket. I followed suit, and soon we were cuddling together. Frank had once again gone from remorseless assassin, to sexy as hell, to cuddly within a few hours. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.

My arms wrapped around him and he nuzzled his sex hair-decorated head in to my chest, pressing a kiss to the bottom of my collarbone. Heat spread outwards from the point of contact and I smiled down at my boyfriend, "You're the best, Frankie."


The smuttiness returns

Friday, yay motherfuckers

I've been watching waaay too much Jon Stewart on The Daily Show I'm getting even more sarcastic

I have a ton of homework eughskdfkskurg help

If you wanna follow my new Tumblr account it's gerardmywaydowntown


Ship gay band members, and remember to create and destroy as you see fit

~Dani ♥

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