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They say if you stare at a blank patch of the night sky for long enough, you'll notice that there are in fact stars there. What they don't tell you is that you can't see any stars at all so long as you're in the pollution-filled city. The light pollution combined with all the haze from the factories makes it impossible to see any stars.

Saddening, isn't it?

Almost as saddening as the realization that I experienced as I peered out of the yellowed window of our shitty little motel room, unsuccessfully scanning the sky for stars.

As I searched, I thought.

Someday, I will die. Someday, Frank will die. Someday, Mikey will die. Someday, Pete will die. I couldn't protect them all forever. People die every day because of stupid accidents, sicknesses, suicides and so much more. What made it all worth it the end? Was it even worth it at all?

I glanced behind me at Frank's sleeping figure on our bed, and realized that it was worth it. So what if I didn't have all the time in the world? I had enough time to make my life worth living. Brooding, teenager-like thoughts would get me nowhere.

I had Mikey, and now I had Frank. Frank. He was perfect, amazing, and everything I wanted. Love was not an unfamiliar emotion to me, it was what I felt for Mikey, and for a short time, my parents. But I'd never truly loved someone in a way that made me want to hold them and kiss them and eventually maybe even marry them.

That was how I felt for Frank.

I've heard that love is an amazing emotion, but that it can hurt. My only worry was that the hurt would overpower the amazing feeling. I wouldn't let it. I needed Frank in my life. He made me happier than I'd ever felt in my entire life, and there was no way that I was willing to give up the bubbles and butterflies that I felt.

Smiling to myself, I crawled in to bed next to Frank, dreading and anticipating the approaching day.

"Hmm?" Frank mumbled, waking up slightly at the shift in weight on the bed. "It's nothing honey, go to sleep." Deciding to try my hand at being in a cutesy relationship, I kissed his nose lightly and he giggled.

"You missed."

"You cliché little shit." I kissed him again, on the lips this time and he smiled against my mouth. I blinked, and suddenly Frank was on top of me, his lips on my neck.

"You're perfect." I murmured.

* * *

"Gerard, I'll be fine. I can handle myself, and you know it." I frowned at Frank as the words left his mouth. "I know." I admitted, slouching my shoulders and reaching one hand up to absentmindedly tug at my hair.

"I just...I really care about you a lot." Frank didn't answer that statement, but the smile on his face made me smile back right away, and to me, we were sharing a moment.

"Guys!" Pete yelled, "Stop eye-fucking! Frank has to go." I looked at Frank, and he met my eyes with a reassuring smile and nod.

Frank was going to do his part now, and I couldn't help but worry. I was far from prepared to lose someone that I cared about this much. Frank mattered too much.

As I watched him leave, I only hoped he would come back.

* * *

I now understood how Mikey felt. I had been tugging at my bright red hair, even pulling some strands out as I did so. Tears were sliding down my cheeks, unchecked. It almost tickled, but the feeling was more of an itch, just like the worry.

I was worried about Frank, and I knew that I had every right to be worried. It was the helplessness that upset me. I was helpless to do anything if he was hurt or in trouble, and that panicked me far too much.

"Gee, please stop crying." Mikey begged, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. It had been twenty four hours. He was going to take out an assassin who lived an hour away. There was only one possible explaination and my brain refused to accept it. It couldn't be.

Frank was alive.

He had to be.

Late & short update sorryyy


I'm going to Riotfest tomorrow yayayay

Create and destroy as you see fit

~Dani ♥

Frank Iero Must Die {Frerard}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant