I was woken up by a flight attendant announcing that we were now permitted to take off our seat belts, meaning that I hadn't been asleep very long.

Frank smiled at me, "Hey." He murmured.

I giggled, because it was funny to me that he looked so old and wrinkly, "Hey old man." I teased.

He rolled his eyes, "I can't wait to get this makeup off my face." He complained, "How do you handle it?"

"I know how pretty I look with makeup on." I told Frank, fluttering my eyelashes jokingly.

"I happen to agree." Frank informed me, "But you always look pretty, so I don't really know what to say."

He was  probably the sweetest person I'd ever known, and I found myself actually blushing at his words. "Thank you." I mumbled, almost shyly.\

"If you want to sleep some more, feel free." Frank told me quietly. I nodded, resting my head on his shoulder again and yawning.

The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was, "I'm so glad I met you."

*          *          *

I was woken up again as we landed, meaning that I had slept for rather a while. Beside me, Frank hadn't noticed that I was awake. His face was drawn, his teeth digging into his bottom lip. He was in pain again, and it made me want to cry.

"Frank." I whispered, watching as his features smoothed out to hide the pain. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, "These bandages should last me through customs, then they need to be changed." He told me.

We got off the plane and made it through Canadian customs without much trouble at all. Once out of the airport, we didn't talk much with each other, still feeling the effects of the plane ride. I stole a van much like the one we'd used in the states.

Everyone pushed the people who were in wheelchairs in the back, and Pete got in to the passenger's seat while I got into the driver's. "Mikey, Frank's bandages need changing." I called back over to my boyfriend.

"I got it, Gee. Just get us to some shitty motel for the night, yeah?"

I drove about an hour away from the airport, finding some random motel and parking outside. I went in and got us four rooms for two nights, returning to the van with a key for everyone. Frank and I were together, Ray and Jimmy, Lyn-Z and Patrick, and finally Mikey and Pete.

I made the sleeping arrangements to avoid anyone having sex all night. Also, I wanted  Mikey and Pete to talk things out, even if that meant a breakup. They hadn't really talked about anything since their breakup, and I wanted  there to be some communication so that our team wouldn't fall apart.

I wheeled Frank's chair into our room, helping him to remove his layers of makeup, which was incredibly well-done.

That finished, I helped him out of clothes and into a regular outfit. He carefully lay back on the Queen-sized bed we were sharing, making a small hiss of pain escape his mouth.

I sighed, "Frank, do you need anything?" I asked, because he clearly was not doing fine at the moment.

Frank shook his head, "Gee, I promise I'm feeling better. I don't need anything."

My lip trembled as I sat on the bed, "You have to let me help you, Frank. Please. I can't lose you."

He smiled, although his face was pale, "We both know there isn't much you can do. It's up to my body to save itself from now on. I've dealt with worse, I'll be fine."

Frank Iero Must Die {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now