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My biggest worry was moving Frank.

Patrick's injury was minor enough that it could be hidden and he could survive a plane trip. Frank, I wasn't so sure. Especially after that latest development.

It was frightening. All of it. Frank could die from this. Not too long ago, I would have done it myself, but now...I would take a bullet for him. I would die for Frank. I would live for him too, and that was hard to do.

Jimmy came to get us when it was time to leave. He said that everyone was already in the van, and they were just waiting on Frank and I. I stood up, adjusting my dress, "We need to get you into a wheelchair." I told Frank, "Do you think you can handle being moved?"

He nodded, though I was certain that he was unsure. Jimmy ran to get him his wheelchair, putting beside the bed.

Slowly, carefully, we moved Frank into the chair without much incident. He was breathing with difficulty, and a very large part of me wanted to cry.

I had taken so many lives, I knew how fragile a human existence was, but I hadn't realized the emotional aspect of death was so intense. I hadn't cared in the slightest about anyone I'd ever killed. Frank was someone I cared about, and I wasn't used to that.

Was this how the loved ones of the people I had killed felt? Had I inflicted this terror, this pain?

We wheeled Frank out and in to the back of the van, making room for him amongst wheelchairs and murderers in nurses uniforms. We certainly made for an interesting group.

In the van, Mikey and I touched up Frank's bandages, despite his whining that he was not a child, Gerard, and he could look after himself, and it was only a bullet wound for the love of god. Ignoring his protests, I applied fresh ointment and bandages again, because one could never be too careful.

We made it to the airport in good time, parking a little while away and walking the final stretch, with Lyn-Z, Patrick, Mikey, and Frank in wheelchairs being pushed by Jimmy, Pete, Ray, and I. I was wearing the red dress and black heels, passing remarkably well if I did say so myself.

We were just on time for our flight, which was special accommodations with ramps for wheelchairs and everything. Our "luggage" was essentially bags full of money, passports, and disguises, none of which we were carrying on. Our passports worked without any sort of problem, and soon we were on the plane.

The most difficult part of our otherwise seamless plan, was moving Frank and Patrick into their seats. We were first class, which meant lots of room, but transferring them with their wounds was difficult. Lyn-Z and Mikey were moved without incident, although they had to pretend to be weak.

Pete lifted Patrick slightly, so he didn't have to put pressure on his wounded leg, and he was fine once he was in his seat as well. Then there was just Frank to be moved.

Jimmy came over to help me, and together we helped Frank into his seat. Once he was there, I had to make sure he was okay. He was pale, breathing heavily, and clearly in pain, but he wasn't bleeding through his bandages or anything like that.

"Sweetie? Talk to me, are you feeling alright?" I asked anxiously, tucking strands of hair behind my ear.

Frank nodded with a smile despite his current state. "I'm fine, no more pain than before. Have I told you that you look amazing?" I rolled my eyes, folding up the wheelchair and putting it in the designated area.

"Now is not the time to be flirting with me." I scolded him, taking my seat beside him.

"Is it not a good time to ask to join the mile-high club?"

I looked from where his bandaged wound was under his clothes to his falsely wrinkled face. "Yes."

Frank sighed melodramatically, "Then what am I supposed to do for the next for the next few hours?" He demanded.

"Rest. Heal." I suggested, knowing that he could really use it, "Sleep."

Frank made a face at my suggestions, clearly repulsed by the mere thought of them, "Those are the worst ideas you've ever had." He informed me, "Besides, the bullet wound hurts too much to let me rest, let alone sleep."

I winced, feeling nothing but guilt at his pain. "Frank, I'm so sorry this happened to you all because of my stupidly elaborate plan."

He shook his head, "If it weren't for your stupidly elaborate plan, all of us would be dead right now, understand? And look at me. I'm right here, I'm in better shape than I was yesterday. I'm going to live, Gerard, and it's all thanks to you. So don't you dare blame yourself for this, because it was either that or death. For all of us."

I rested my head on his shoulder, earning a disapproving look from a flight attendant who clearly did not like large age-gaps in couples.

"Thank you." I murmured to Frank in an exhausted tone. I was more mentally exhausted than physically. It was like all of the stress from the last few weeks, combined with the emotional turmoil of almost losing Frank, was weighing down on me, making it hard to operate.

I felt like collapsing.

"Gerard, listen to me." Frank whispered, "You saved me, and your brother, and all of us, okay? You did it. This is the final stretch. Once we land, we're a boat-ride away from being untouchable. This wouldn't have happened without you, and you accomplished it in the end. We're all going to be okay, understand? Thank you."

I exhaled slowly. Frank was right. We were so close, and the worst was over. I had no need to stress out about it as much as I was doing. We would be okay, and I could be with Frank peacefully so soon. "Thank you." I whispered back, "Thank you for keeping me strong. Thank you for being there for me."

He smiled weakly, "That's what I'm here for." He replied with care in his voice. I smiled, tracing the makeup that hid his neck tattoos absentmindedly.

"You seem tired." He said, "Why don't you nap? I'll wake you up when we get some shitty airplane food."

"Jimmy got us first class seats." I reminded him, "The food won't be so shitty."

Frank's eyes lit up in a childishly adorable way, "You're right!" Then he seemed to remember what we had been talking about before the food conversation. "Either way, you need to rest. I promise I'll wake you up when there's food."

I nodded reluctantly. A rest would definitely clear my mind. "Okay." I mumbled, "Mind if I use your shoulder?"

Frank laughed, then winced in pain, before gathering himself and smiling to say, "Of course not."

I cuddled slightly into his side. I hadn't realized how much I loved physical contact and craved affection until Frank came along.

Slowly, I drifted off to sleep on Frank's shoulder as the plane took off.


this one is for sophia because they called me glittery emo trash

and because they pressured me to update for approximately two months, which is actually how long it's been since I've updated oops

either way, hi hello I am BACK

exams are over and it's summer, which means many more updates

I go by he/him pronouns now just so you guys who don't read my other stories know

and o h my g o d since I last updated I saw Gerard in concert and I met fall out boy and it has all been a whirlwind but life is good

I also now have tickets for 21p in september, and warped tour is in less than two weeks WOOO

I really have a tendency to make author's notes longer than the actual chapters so I'll stop now but follow me on tumblr I'm gerardmywaydowntown and it's basically just bands and gay

like my life

anyway, bye bye

I like my coffee black just like my metal and remember to create and destroy as you see fit

~dani ♥

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