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"Are you sure about this, Sir?"

A newly made headset was held by one of Tord's scientists, the three of us being in the medical bay while I sat on a bed. It took a few days, but Tord had come to me earlier saying he had a surprise for me.

"They've been tested and haven't been tampered with in any way. I can assure you."

The man's voice held confidence, I was sure he wore a determined expression, even if I couldn't see it. An unsure hum left my lips, Tord speaking in my direction.

"Thomas, I've made sure that my scientists got rid of every mind control or pain inducing functions that Jason built into the machine. This is designed to help you see again, not to torture you."

Scoffing at him, I had to be critical about what was being said and by whom. Despite Tord's assurance, there was a lingering thought that he could use this device to his own benefit, be it if I needed to be 'punished' again.

An unsure hum coming from my throat, my head turning to the side, away from the device. Tord sighed softly, leaving his seat from beside me. I was able to hear him speak to the scientist, even if he was talking in a hushed tone.

"What does he need to do to install it?"

"He just needs to put it on, press the power button, and wait until the screen shows. It might be painful for the device to hook up to his ocular nerves, but once it's over it'll just take about an hour for him to be able to see again."

Painful, of course. Everything had to be painful. Nothing was painful when I was with Edd and Matt; quite the contrary. I could numb the pain with alcohol and Advil.

"And to install the programs, you just connect the USB stick to the side port near the power button and wait for it to download."

My interest caught, the talk about programs made me tense up.

"Wh-at programs? Why would I need programs to see?"

Head shot in the direction of Tord, I could hear Tord asking the scientist to leave the room, the sound of a door closing being my signal that he was gone.

Once we were alone, Tord sat beside me on the bed again, his hand barely touching mine.

"The headset doesn't need any additional programs to help you see or anything. It'll work just fine if you put it on and wait. But I was thinking, why not make it more practical?"

That last line made me tense up even more. I knew he would try something. Probably give me some kind of weird commands for sex positions he wanted to try out. A pervert like him would definitely do something like that.

"I wrote a few programs for your headset, so that you can access my schedule and notes from the meetings. It'll be linked directly to your tablet, so any information on there will be on your headset, too! Plus, it'll have voice commands so you can just say something like 'What does Red Leader have planned for the next hour', and it'll tell you!"

My arms folded, I hadn't noticed how my fingers started digging into them. When Tord finished speaking, I needed to let out a breath I was holding in to stop myself from yelling.

"Tord. If you don't remember, that thing made me say and do things I never wanted to. I know you're trying to make things easier for me with the programs, but with voice command being a thing, I'd really just want this to be for seeing. Plus, I don't really trust you with this whole thing, anyway."

A small pause, Tord took a few seconds to answer.

"Why don't you trust me?"

Was that some kind of joke? Did he completely forget what had happened before I was kidnapped?

Enemies with benefits (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now