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"I won't lie, the results in Thomas's training are outstanding. He's shown improvement every day, I'd go so far as to say he's aced some of the areas we covered. His best results are in shooting. His aim is perfect and he holds the gun steadily. Self defense moves are pretty easy for him to learn, though his reaction time could use some improvement. That being said, he's really shown he's ready for personal attack. I'd say Tom's training was a success."

As Paul spoke, I couldn't help but stand with pride, my head tilted upwards while Tord looked over his tablet, reading the results Patryk had written down. Once Paul finished speaking, there was a slight pause, followed by Tord handing the tablet back and giving me a smile.

"You've done well, Thomas. Your training is officially over."

Sighing in relief, a smile made its way on my lips. The training was total shit, but at least it wasn't longer than a week. It was still hard to grasp the idea of fighting or shooting someone, especially since a week ago, all I did was lounge around in my boxers and drink as much Smirnoff as I could without throwing up. I'd say both accomplishments were impressive.

"Thank you, sir."

Tord gave me a soft nod, looking back at his dad and clearing his throat.

"Your assistance is no longer required in this matter, Paul. Tell Patryk the two of you did a fine job."

A salute given to his son, Paul walked away with a smirk, humming to himself while Tord walked up to me. I looked up at him, giggling like an idiot.

"I'm glad that's over. Nothing against Pat or Paul, they're both awesome, but it was a little annoying hearing them flirt with each other while I'm trying to shoot a gun."

Chuckling lightly, Tord nodded at my words, the two of us making our way down into the leader section of the base. We followed the red stripe, walking into Tord's office through the door he held open for me.

"So, what now?"

I stood next to the oak desk, the last time I'd seen this was about a week ago after my first day of training. That was the last time I'd seen Tord, until today, at least. The leader sat down in his chair, huffing lightly as he looked at the small pile of papers sitting neatly in front of him.

"I'm not sure. You'll start your work officially tomorrow, so most of the time, you'll just be standing here while I fill out forms and go to meetings."

My eyes rolled and posture slouched at that description.

"That's so boring, though! No wonder you need to fuck your anger out sometimes. I'd go crazy too if I had to keep writing the same fucking thing every minute."

Tord looked back at me with an unamused face. It just made me smirk and cross my arms over my chest.

"Your work hasn't started yet, so you really don't need to be here at this time. Especially if you're just going to belittle what I'm doing."

A light chuckle leaving my lips, the smirk still plastered on my face, I made my way to the door, shaking my hips seductively as I did so.

"Alright, Red Leader. I guess I'll leave you to it. Try not to drop your pen or something. It must be difficult to hold for so long."

Tord snarled, glaring at me with a light red face. Another giggle left my lips as I closed the door, walking down the hallway and stopping at the lobby. Part of me wanted to go to my room, maybe watch some mind-numbing show and catch up on sleep. Though, another part of me wanted to explore the rest of the base, mostly check out some departments I hadn't seen in person before. Patryk and Paul showed me a holographic outline of the base, but it just wasn't the same as seeing everything for myself.

Enemies with benefits (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now