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A skip in my step as I walked, I greeted a few officers on my way. The last week had been strange, especially whenever Paul and Patryk were around. They'd tell us to not pretend around them, pushing us together and making kissy faces. It was annoying, though seeing Tord's embarrassed and red face whenever they did this was more than worth it.

Tord seemed to be a lot more relaxed in work, a few more meetings having gone by where he didn't yell or lose his shit in front of everyone. He did that when he pounded into me instead. And, even though the week hadn't been bad, something still bothered me.

What would happen in two months? Something big, if Tord was going to keep it a secret like this for so long. But what could possibly make him so scared to tell me? So afraid to think I'd do something rash and mindlessly chosen. I think about my options, what to do in situations, and Tord knew I always have. What the hell was going through his mind?

It was a mystery, as Tord was usually an enigma, his secrets hidden well. All apart from his desires. The familiar look of lust in his eyes was one I had grown accustomed to. He's the worst at hiding it. The look that says 'I want to have sex with you.'

Just seeing it always got me in the mood.

"Tom! Care to join me for lunch?"

The usual smile on his rosy lips, it was always a pleasure to see Jason. He gestured to the vacant chair beside him, pulling it out for me to sit in. I did so, giggling as he pushed my chair in when I sat down.

"So, how's your morning been?"

Jason looked at me with a sweet smile, eating a sandwich neatly, without getting a spot on his face dirty. Basically the opposite of me.

"It's been pretty slow, to be honest. Red Leader hasn't talked to me all morning, so he's probably in a salty mood or something."

I didn't sleep over with Tord last night, due to him saying he wasn't feeling up to snuggling with me. He was probably jacking off to hentai all night like the pervert I've grown up with.

"How about yours?"

Swallowing his food, Jason looked at me with a hum.

"Today's been pretty fine, I guess. Also, Red Leader sounds like an asshole, not gonna lie."

Rolling my eyes with a smile, it was hard to deny what he said. When he felt like it, Tord could be a huge jackass. Though, that doesn't mean he couldn't be a soft sweetheart at times. But only at times.

"True, true. But hey, you know? You can't change him. To- uhm... Red Leader is just that type of person."

Hardly paying attention to my words, I stopped myself from slipping up and revealing Tord's name. I was sure Jason wouldn't have had any interest in knowing, but I still had to be careful. Making another mistake would mean punishment, and that fate seemed worse than simply keeping my mouth shut. Not to mention, the ghost of a vibrator shoved up my ass still made it uncomfortable for me to sit.

Jason hummed a light tune as he finished up another bite of his food, raising a brow at me while I sat neatly in my chair.

"If I may ask, what is your relationship with Red Leader exactly?"

The question caught me by surprise, unsure of what to say. Unsure of what he meant, to be honest. I was his secretary, that's a pretty obvious relationship. Though, did Jason know more..?

Surely not, right?

"Uhm, what do you mean?"

Was it getting hot in there, or was it my memories from a few nights ago when Tord pounded the shit out of me on the couch? Either one would work in this case.

Enemies with benefits (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now