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Although the room I was held in was modern, seeming like an apartment with different rooms connected together, it felt more like a cage I was trapped in. Once I was brought from the memory chamber, as I liked to call it, the people in white led me back to the bedroom, locking me inside. No words spoken, no explanation, no piece of information to at least tell me what was going on. This entire Grey Army experience had done a number on my mind, unsure of what I was supposed to be thinking or feeling anymore.

My dignity had basically been stolen as I was naked in front of the soldiers, my memories had been put on display for a twisted man with harmful intentions, and at the end of it all, I was sitting alone in a room for three more days.

Alone, with no explanation as to what was happening.

The room wasn't enormous or anywhere near as spacious as in the Red Army, but it wasn't small. I had a bedroom, bathroom, living room, and a small kitchen all put together. Every one was pretty basic, a toilet, sink, and towels in the bathroom. The kitchen had a mini fridge filled with water bottles, and a shelf filled with canned foods. A bed, nightstand, and drawer made up the bedroom, and a couch with a coffee table was placed in the living room.

Not the worst place to be trapped in, though it didn't help that absolutely nothing was there to keep me entertained. A window and door seemed to be the only means of escape, though my headset went off as soon as I got close to them.

Once I was thrown inside, I didn't have the energy to stand up. My legs ached from walking, my brain hurt from the device, my heart was squeezed to the point where I couldn't bring myself to feel anything but sadness and shame. I curled up in a ball, naked, lying on the floor of a room I had only been in once before. Flashbacks of Jason's sadistic face came to me, remembering how pleased he seemed with what my memories had shown him.

He now knew the Red Army wasn't prepared for an attack. They knew where the Grey Army base was, though without the robot Tord had told me about, they were screwed. Jason knew too much about Tord's base already, having been stationed as a soldier there for a while.

Everything about Jason's past and present began fumbling around in my brain as I stayed still on the floor, hugging my knees and whimpering.

Jason and I met at a bar, after Tord had left to go to the army. We had sex, he seemed sweet and caring. We met again in the army, his charms almost winning me over. But it was all an act. He already knew who Tord was, he probably knew when I moaned his name during sex.

Jason played me, leading me down a hole, deeper and deeper until I couldn't get out.

Setting up a relationship by sleeping with me when I was drunk, acting like a gentleman, being charming and sweet to lure me into a false sense of security. Of course I'd go to him with my troubles, tell him about what was bothering me, simultaneously feed him information for another goddamn army. Being stationed as a Red Army soldier gave him the perfect opportunity to do all of this. Get information on the Red Army by being a part of it, be a close companion to me, having the perfect moment to kidnap me and suck any useful information from my mind.

I hated it. I hated being in this room, hated being naked on the ground, in a new environment some crazy psychopath was in, too.

So, as tears rolled down my pale skin, landing on the carpet of soft material, all I could think of was home. My real home, in the house with Edd and Matt. When I closed my eyes, I could see Edd and Matt fighting over who gets which controller on the couch, Edd eventually winning and pushing Matt onto the ground. My frown let up when I saw Matt lunge towards the other, a sad smile returning when he started chasing Edd out of the living room.

Enemies with benefits (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now