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Time to get unrealistic


Uncomfortable, hard, cold. I tried snuggling up with my blanket to get more comfortable in the bed, though I found it impossible to move my arms. That made me open my eyes instantly, yet doing so scared me even more. My vision was different. Clearer, yet less natural. Moving my head seemed more difficult, too. As if my head weighed more than it usually did.

Darkness surrounded me, though a dim source of light coming from the other side of the room allowed me to somewhat see. I was laying on a small bed, shackles around both of my hands and legs. Breaking free was impossible, no matter how hard I pulled on them, the shackles only seemed to hurt me more. A nightstand stood beside me, a mirror facing down laid on top of it.

Feeling wind blow on my skin made my hair stand on end, a slightly opened window letting in the pale moonlight. A yellow glow emitted from an unknown source, around the corner of a wall at the back end of the room. Possibly from another window, though the light seemed to be flowing in from a hallway. A door stood against the back wall, grey and bland. Nothing but the soft, gentle breeze of the night filled my ears, the silence making me painfully confused and afraid.

What happened before I woke up here? I had a fight with Tord, followed Jason into a building, then everything ended.

Though, it ended with Jason saying Tord's name. The name I never told him.

How did he know..

I jolted when the door creaked open, revealing three people standing in the doorway. I tried squinting, though for some reason my vision wasn't different. Light flooded the room, temporarily blinding me, thought it didn't hurt to look at.

"Ah, you're awake! I was wondering how long your lazy ass would stay asleep."

That voice. The voice I heard before I passed out. The voice I'd grown used to. The one who kissed my hand and made me laugh, brought me to a beautiful garden where I told him my secret.

Now menacing and cold, unwelcoming, rather than sweet.

The three people came closer to me, only now could I see the lab coats worn by two, whereas the other one wore some sort of grey coat over a black uniform. Upon closer inspection of his face, I could clearly see Jason looking at me with a smirk I'd never seen him wear before.

"Hello, Thomas. Miss me?"

He reached a hand out towards my face, my head backing away as far as possible. A dark chuckle left his lips, my own slightly trembling.

"Wh-ere am I. What am I doing here."

No answer to my statement. It wasn't a question, it was a demand to know what was happening. Nevertheless, he didn't react on it.

"You must've noticed a few new changes, haven't you, Tommy? Like the chains on your arms and legs? Or how about that device on your head? Here, have a look. It's quite impressive, I must say."

Device.. on my head..? That sentence made me question Jason's sanity, though when he picked up the mirror from the nightstand and held it to my face, I let out a blood curdling scream.

A black headset was strapped over my eyes, two bright green orbs staring back at me. A few small glitches on the screen occurred, the shape of the circles slightly changing as well. Though, they never strayed from looking directly at me, at everything I was seeing. They acted like my eyes, yet they were nothing like them.


Jason simply let another chuckle slip through, the people wearing lab coats pulling out a strange computer chip from a black box. Grabbing my head suddenly, Jason made he face him, placing the mirror back down again and staring directly into my eyes.

Enemies with benefits (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now