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A nice, quiet breakfast. Cereal boxes spread on the table, milk and bowls accompanying them. Edd munched on his Eddsworld Cereal puffs and read the newspaper while Matt poured milk into his bowl before adding cornflakes, making me cringe and look away in disgust.

I stared down at my food, lazily taking a spoonful of mushy corn products into my mouth, my gaze directed back on the window. It was 10am, still no sign of Tord. His schedule was still locked into my headset, no times showing for when he was planning to arrive.

Without looking up from his newspaper, Edd patted my head with his free hand, sometimes lightly slapping my face.

"Uh, Edd? Why are you hitting me?"

He shrugged, slapping my head a little harder than before, making me let out a small grumble.

"To distract you. Stop looking out of the window, he'll come when or if he comes."

Finally taking his hand back, Edd ate another spoonful of his breakfast, his words lingering in my brain for a bit before I shook my head. Another small grumble and a few words muttered under my breath, I simply took my eyes off the window, finishing up my food before doing the dishes.

Scrubbing the plates, my stupid brain went back to thinking about Tord. Was he hurt by what I said two weeks ago? What did he do while I was gone? Did he just shrug it off and find that blonde bitch to fuck, or did he actually feel too bad to find someone else? Was he going to go through with his plan? What would happen if he did? Would he come back, even if he wouldn't go through with it? What would he even do? Why the fuck was I thinking about this so much?!

I threw the plate at the sink while letting out a yell in frustration, surprised to find it all still in one piece, not that I paid much attention to that. Huffing, I stomped out of the kitchen, getting a few concerned looks from my friends. Ruffling my hair, I threw myself on the couch, taking a pillow and hitting my face against it while I yelled.


Ending it with a scream of the damned, I flopped face-first on the couch, groaning lightly. Matt walked out of the kitchen with his cereal in hand, taking a spoonful in his mouth while talking to me.

"Tom? Are you possessed again?"

Turning around to face Matt, I gave him a fake laugh as he ate while wearing a confused expression. Letting out a sigh, words slipped from my mouth in a monotonous voice.

"Tord's scheduled to come back today and take his big, stupid robot."

Matt raised a brow, walking over to me placing his bowl beside me on the table.

"Well, I for one would be quite thrilled to see him again. He's been gone for a long time, so we'd have a lot to talk about! Maybe he's tried some new products for his hair! I always told him he should find a shampoo that made his strands shine. They're nice and thick, perfect for a brand I've been telling him to use-"

"It's not like that, Matt. He wouldn't stay to chat."

I cut off Matt's rambling once his irritating voice got the best of me. Matt was fun to have around, but when the topic didn't interest anyone but him, it could become quite unbearable.

His head slightly tilting to the side, Matt opened his mouth to speak, but a knock on the door cut him off. That knock made me sit up instantly, my heart beginning to race as my chest tightened. Eyes wide, I looked towards the door, unsure if who I thought was behind it was really there.

A moment of stillness passing, another few knocks rang through the room, Edd coming from the kitchen to see Matt and me look at him. My face displaying panic as he walked closer to me, Edd's hand landing on my head to give it a small pat.

Enemies with benefits (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now