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The door opened, my virtual eyes landing on a brown haired man wearing a green hoodie. I froze slightly, staying still as Edd widened his eyes, seemingly shocked out of his mind. I didn't know what to do. It hadn't even been that long since I'd left, but seeing my friend after a few weeks of being apart made me realize how much I missed seeing his old, cola-stained hoodie and sparkling eyes.

"H-ey, Edd.."

"T-Tom? Is that you?"

His brows raised, I realized he must've been confused about my headset. I chuckled slightly, nodding a bit at my friend.

"Yeah, I'll tell you about the eye thing later-"


I was pulled into a suffocating bear hug, my lungs being squeezed by my friend, his face stuffed into my chest. I couldn't even get a word in as I was attacked with a billion questions, all shouted at me with tears of joy.


Edd broke down in my arms, crying with a large smile on his face. I snapped out of my frozen state, immediately hugging my best friend back, loving the warm hug he had enveloped me in.

"Edd? What's with all the commotion?"

As I hugged Edd back tightly, Matt appeared at the door, a mirror in his hands, which was dropped the moment he looked at me. I tried waving at him, Edd's tight squeeze making that a bit difficult. In a flash, Matt had joined the hug, instantly cutting off whatever air supply I had left while I tried hugging my friends back.

"G-GuYS! I caN'T bREaTHe-!"

Edd and Matt soon pulled away from the hug, letting out a small 'whoops', while still loosely holding onto my shoulders.

"Sorry, Tom! We're just so happy to see you!"

Smiling brightly, Matt and Edd pulled me inside, taking my bag and placing it by the wall. They brought me to the couch before I could get a word in edgewise, the entire situation making me crack up. My friends really knew how to freak someone out yet make them feel welcome at the same time.

"I missed you guys so much."

Speaking with a chuckle, I finally relaxed a bit as we all sat on the couches, my friends letting out an aww and coming closer to give me a loose hug.

"We missed you, too! But what are you doing back? We thought you were living with your boyfriend now or something."

Tilting my head to the side, I remembered what I had told Edd and Matt before I left. 'I moved away with my criminal boyfriend who I was in love with.'


"Yeah, well that 'boyfriend' really fucked shit up, so I thought I should just come back home to cool off."

An expression of concern, Edd asked Matt to get me a drink while he took my hand.

"What did he do..?"

Question asked with hesitance, I let out a soft sigh and slumped back, Matt coming back into the room and handing me a cup of tea. I thanked him, taking a sip of the warm beverage before setting it down on the table.

"It's a long and complicated story. To be honest, I'm not even sure if it's alright to tell you guys. You'll probably think badly of him or something.."

I took a moment to think about what I had just said, debating in my mind if it was right to let them know of Tord's plans. He was willing to destroy his relationship with our friends, so was it right to tell Edd and Matt about what he was planning? Was it worth it if they ever met again? Not likely, but it was a possibility.

Enemies with benefits (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now