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Suddenly, I didn't feel like teasing Tord anymore. 

My foot slipped, hitting the floor with a soft thud, though it went unnoticed. The atmosphere was tense. No one spoke a word. 

It was obvious Tord was regretting what he said, or more like the way he said it. Stern and cold, cutting through the playfulness that was going on between us. 

I couldn't process what he had said at first. It came as a sudden shock, a complete surprise. My face was white, eyes wide, throat going noticeably dry. 

Those three words. Those three fucking words were the ones worse than any threat Tord had given me. Sure, I hate Tord. He's an asshole who doesn't give two shits about me...

When we're around other people.He's thrown me against the couch, poured ice cold water over my head while I was asleep, cut one of Susan's strings, stolen a bunch of my hoodies... you get the point.

But Tord had also held me when I was upset, given me more love than anyone else had, taken care of me when I was sick, stuck up for me when I needed protection. He's shown me acts of love and care when I needed them. I still hate his guts, but there are times when I can't help but feel loved.

If Tord leaves, I won't feel that again. 

"I'm sorry, but I have to leave. I must try my luck in the big city. Get a good job, make enough money, follow my dreams, you know?"

Every word built up more and more anger in my body. He was going to leave us to 'follow his dreams'? What kind of bullshit is that?! Looking at Edd and Matt, I could tell they were just as concerned. 

"That's... that's a big decision, Tord. When are you planning on leaving?"

It was clear Edd was trying to hold back his frown. Matt, on the other hand, was pouting like a lost dog. Tord didn't face anyone but Edd, probably because he couldn't bear the weight of responsibility that comes with making Matt sad. 

What a coward.

"I'm planning on leaving tomorrow, at noon."

I slammed my hands on the table, standing up abruptly and placing my uneaten food on the counter. My friends simply stared at me as I walked away, not making eye contact with any of them. My door was slammed shut as I walked to my bed, flopping on top of the blankets and stuffing my face into the pillow. 

How was I supposed to feel? Happy, or annoyed? Happy that I won't have to deal with that annoying bastard, who teases and mocks me in the hallways? Annoyed that I won't be able to let out any pent up anger or frustration through him anymore? How about angry that he's leaving us behind, so he can get some fancy job. He already has a well paying one, apparently. Hell, he's paying half of the rent! What the fuck will happen to that when he leaves?

A loud groan left my mouth as I rolled over, staring at the ceiling. My mind didn't stop flooding with questions and negative thoughts, going so far as to think Tord would ruin our lives entirely if he leaves. Though somehow, through the chaos and mayhem going on in my mind, I found a tear rolling down the side of my cheek. Wiping it away, my mind went blank. Was I crying? Why? 

Through all of the hate rushing through my body, how was I able to muster a tear?I didn't want to put up with this anymore. My eyelids felt heavy as my thoughts carried me away into a slumber, worries and stress seeming distant, as all I could focus on was my consciousness slipping away. 

Too much drama with that boy. Too much drama.

Of course, I had no idea how long I slept. I awoke to the sound of knocking on my bedroom door, accompanied by a familiar Norwegian man calling my name. A loud groan left my lips as I remembered what had happened earlier. A gaze out of my window told me I had been asleep for a long time, seeing as the sun was on the other side of the sky, beginning to descend. 

Enemies with benefits (TordTom)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora