Jon's hand shot out, waving. "Begin the preparations for an attack!" He called out, surprising everyone in the courtyard as all eyes turned to him. "The Night King is coming, we only have until tomorrow daylight." It set off a panic in the air as Oberyn's hand tightened on Rhae's, drawing her closer. "Anyone who is not here, won't be here. Any of the vulnerable who have not yet left the castle, will need to remain here." He looked cold as he turned to Tormund, his wildling nodding. "Close the front gates! The only entrances that will be used at the small doors!"

The war had begun, the Night King was coming, and ice had slipped into Rhaenar's blood as she swallowed thickly. They'd face him soon, she'd look into his cold blue eyes once more, and be expected to fight against those who followed. It brought her to the spot in fear, a shiver threatening her spine as ever so gently a panic settled inside. Rhaenar wouldn't show it to her men, but she feared the Night King - of his powers, of what he can do.

People began to bustle around her, moving faster now to begin to distribute the weapons as Rhaenar straightened her back. This was the time where she needed to focus on keeping the men around her safe, not on the panic that coursed through her veins. "What do you want me to do?" She asked, her eyes looking to Jon who stood before her.

"Start rounding up your men, let them know they need to be kitted up, have their weapons, and be prepared to move out. We'll gather in a war meeting tonight." Rhaenar nodded, her mind ticking at what to do. She had to make her way through campt to speak with them all, inform them; although, by now they would have heard Jon's warning, and seen men jostling around; they needed to know what to expect.

She stepped away from the King in the North, Oberyn hot on her heels as she crossed through the main entrance of Winterfell, seeing the Northernmen and the few Houses that sat in the centre all turn to her, questioning in their gaze. Rhae hesitated as she glanced around, meeting them all. "You heard the King! Begin moving to your stations, consult your commanders; they know the plans!" She cried out, keeping strong as she walked through. "Anyone who isn't sure where they are, consult me; I will be on the field talking to my own commanders."

Rhaenar couldn't hang about waiting for them to place down their bowls or to fumble for weapons, she needed to find people. "Where do you expect me to be?" Oberyn asked, his snakeskin curled boots digging into the snow beneath them as they slipped out.

"You'll be at the south of the castle with the Reach's army, along with men from the Crownlands and Stormlands; Ser Barristan will be the main commander down there. Any problems or trouble, rely on his knowledge." Rhae remembered. "And Meria will also be there."

His head turned, glancing down. "I've brought my eldest with me, they're along the army checking them over." It surprised her to hear that Oberyn had bought his children along, she thought he would want them safe.

"And your youngest girls?" Rhae questioned.

He smiled. "With Willas, driving him in circles apparently." Rhae let a giggle bubble from her lips, her eyes warming at the thought. "Elia's with the horses; Obella, Dorea, and Loreza are in the gardens." Good, they were so far from the danger, and if anything went wrong here they'd have a chance to flee.

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