I looked over at Bri and she nodded. "There are some people I want you to meet," I tell her and she nodded. "So these are my parents, Mrs. and Mr. Jones," I tell her. "These two beautiful ladies are my girlfriend's moms, Marsha and Kathy or you can call them Mrs. and Mrs. Hart," I tell her and she smiled at them. "These are my friends, Kami, Chloe, Bri, and Kyle," I tell her. "And this girl right here is Kensley," I said. "Hi! I'm so happy to meet you!" She said wrapping Emily in a hug. "Me too," she said. "This one right here is my little sister and this is her boyfriend," I tell her and she smiled at them. "We are all a big family and your mom belongs in our family so that makes you family too," I said. "Really?" She asked. "Yes! You're going to be so spoiled just like Kensley," I said and she smiled. "I'm happy mom has found good people since it's always just been the two of us," she said. "Well it doesn't have to be that way anymore, family looks out each other and I will make sure you have everything you need until my last breath," I said and she hugged me.

Everyone smiled, we all needed this. Our Gabby was out surgery but Serena was now the one fighting for her life. Bri's mom took Kensley home since she has school tomorrow. Bri and Kyle followed a few minutes later, Victor and Cameron went home to pick some clothes for me. Kami and her fiancé also left because Kathy told them to get some rest. My parents insisted on staying since my mom wanted to be here with Kathy. I'm with Emily and Stefania waiting for Mackenzie. Emily started rubbing her eyes and yawning. "Why don't you take a quick nap, I'll wake you up when it's time to see your mom," I tell her and she nodded. She placed her head on my lap and started stroking her hair, not a few minutes later I started hearing her little soft snores. I looked over at Stefania and we both smiled.

*      *      *      *      *

After a couple of hours, Mackenzie was walking out, she looked at us and smiled. "She's going to be okay," she said and everyone in the room smiled. "Heard that? Your mommy is going to be just fine," I tell her and she smiled hugging me. "Can I see her?" She asked Mackenzie and she kneeled in front of her. "I am so sorry but I can't let you see here," she said. "But I promise you that as soon as she is moved to her room you can stay with her all the time that you want," she said and she nodded. "I promise I will be with her," said Mackenzie. "Thank you," said Emily hugging Mackenzie. "I'll keep posted with Gabby's progress," said Stefania. They shared a quick kiss and we saw Mackenzie disappear behind the doors. Gosh, I miss Gabby so much, I felt a small pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked down and Emily was smiling at me, she must've noticed my sad face. My phone started ringing and Kayleigh's name popped up. I look over at Bri, who was still with Kensley and she nodded. "Hey, I'll be right back okay?" I asked her and she nodded. I walked out of the hospital.


~Lexi! Adriana told me about Gabby and I took the first flight! How is Gabby!? How are you holding up?

-Barely, Gabby is out of surgery, she is still in the ICU but Stefania says that she won't be as long as last time. But the drugs that Marco put in her might affect her but they won't be able to tell not until she wakes up.

~Gosh, this is a nightmare. Poor Gabby she keeps living in a fucking nightmare. She was just out of the hospital and now she's back. I want to kill the bastard! Do you know what happened to him?

-He is here in the hospital. They had to hold Marsha and Kathy back so they wouldn't kill him.

~Couldn't they take him to a different hospital!?

-My thoughts exactly...

~Well I was actually calling you because I'm here at the airport and wanted to know the name of the hospital so I can get a taxi to take me there.

-What!? Hell no! I'm sending one of my drivers there to pick you up. You're at the Orlando International Airport, right?

~Yes, and can you let your driver take me to a hotel to check-in too?

-What kind of friend would I be if I let you stay at a hotel when you can stay at my house?

~I didn't want to impose.

-Gabby would kill me if I let you stay in a hotel. Lucas is going to pick you up, he's on his way right now.

~Okay, see you in a bit.


She hung up the phone and I walked back inside. I sat down next to Emily and she rested her head on my lap. I stroke her hair until soft snores were coming out of her. I looked over at Bri who was carrying a sleeping Kensley. "I'll be here tomorrow," she said and I nodded. "Marsha said to go back to the mansion," she said. "I'll do that," I tell her and she nodded walking out with Kyle and her mom. Kami and her fiancé went with them too. My parents decided to go back to theirs, Marco and his family went home too. So right now it's just me and Emily, my heart hurts for this baby, I wonder how many times has she done this. I closed my eyes letting myself breathe, Gabby will be okay. She has to. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and Kayleigh smiled at me. I pulled her in a hug carefully so I wouldn't wake Emily up. "How is she?" She asked. "Marsha and Kathy are with her right now," I tell her. "I'm watching over Serena's daughter," I tell her. "Where's Serena!? What happened to her!?" She asked. "She is going to be okay! But she's in the ICU and they don't let kids under 12 in there," I said. "So she has a kid?" She asked. "It's a long story," I said and she nodded.

After a few minutes, Marsha walked out and saw me. "I knew you'd still be here," she said. "How is she?" I asked and Marsha's eye filled up with tears. "She is full of bruises," she said. "That bastard," I said. "I actually was going to tell you to go home," she said. "I know you want to be here, but Emily needs rest and I don't think it's fair for her to sleep in a waiting room after all Serena has done for us," she said. "I will be texting updates and will call if anything happens," she said. "An also will be sending updates for Serena too," she said and I nodded. "Come here," she said pulling me in a hug. "Our Gabby is tough, she'll pull through," she said kissing the top of my hair. "Now go," she said. "We'll be here in the morning," I said and she nodded. I carried Emily in my arms and walked outside. Marsha's driver took us to the mansion, all the lights were off already. We walked upstairs and I showed Kayleigh her room, I walked to the room Gabby and I shared when we stay over.

I opened the door and I gently laid Emily down and tuck her in bed. I sat down and took a few deep breaths. I've gotten so used to having Gabby next to me that I missed her so much. I grabbed a towel and got in the shower. I hate that I can't protect her, I hate that I can't keep her safe from all the awful people in this world. I squad down and wrapped my arms around myself and let myself cry. I let myself breakdown a little, I need to let all this out because I have to be strong for Gabby. She is the love of my life and I never want to see her in pain again. I don't know how long I've been here, I grabbed my towel and then walked to my closet to get ready for bed. I plugged my phone in and made sure it wasn't on silent. I closed my eyes and dreamed of my happy memories with Gabby.

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