Chapter 56

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Hi everyone!

So, I will introducing a new OC (Original Character), but she IS NOT MINE!

Someone graciously allowed me to write their OC into my story, and I hope I did them justice!

Umiko is the OC that Kitia will be introduced too!

I hope you enjoy!


I stared at Todoroki, while he kept his expression blank.

"What...what do you mean that you know?"

He shook his head, his eyes sad. "You didn't think I would figure it out, did you?"

I opened my mouth but no sound came out.

Just as Todoroki was about to say something, Mr Aizawa's office door opened.

"Ah, you're here." He looked between Todoroki and myself. "Is something wrong?"

I looked at Todoroki for a moment and shook my head. "No. We're fine. I'll talk to you later, ok?"

Todoroki just nodded and left. I breathed out and quickly walked into Aizawa's office.

I sat down as he closed the door. He sat down at his desk before he spoke. "Gang Orca contacted me about what you two spoke about."

I nodded. "He doesn't waste time, huh?"

"It seems he didn't believe that you would tell me about your decison. I can't say I blame him for thinking that."

I shifted in my seat and looked at my hands.

Aizawa sighed. "We are going to have to tell Principal Nezu. He won't like that we have kept this from him."

"Do you think he'll understand?"

He grunted. "That does not mean he will tolerate the deception. Many of us are risking our jobs because of this."

I shifted again. "I'm sorry..."

He sighed again and put his hand against his forehead. "We have a meeting with Principal Nezu in an hour, so you better come up with something to tell him. In the mean time, Gang Orca has advised me to tell you that Rock Lock is willing to adopt your child." Aizawa looked up from his hand at me. "When were you planning on telling me this?"

I pressed both my hands into my lap. "As soon as I knew that Rock Lock would take it. Gang Orca was supposed to tell me..."

"I see..." He said slowly. "Well, in any case, it's going to come out now, so you had better get prepared. Dismissed."

I nodded and quickly got up to leave.


I stopped at the door, but didn't turn around.

"I suggest you try real hard to remember who did this to you. They need to be brought to justice."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded. "Yes, sir."

I quickly left before he could say anything else, and wiping my eyes, hurried up to my room, avoiding everyone.

I ran up to my room, slamming the door behind me and locking it. I leaned against it, breathing hard with tears running down my face.

I tried hard to calm down, but my heart was pounding a million miles an hour.

I huffed out and walked, more like stomped, to the middle of my room. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists.

How It BeginsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora