Chapter 40

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I sat on the couch with a mug of coffee. It wasn't really early, but it seemed I was the first up. I couldn't sleep. I heard footsteps and turned my head to Kirishima all dressed and ready.

"You're up early."

"Oh hey, Kitia. Yea, work study today."

"In your uniform?"

"Yea. For some reason they didn't want us to wear our costumes today."

I nodded, thinking.

"Well, I'll see you later." Kirishima and went to walk out.

"Oh, wait, Kirishima."


I got up, over to him and started to fix his collar. "If you're gonna wear your uniform, make sure it's neat, yea?"

He grinned. "Yea, thanks. I better go."

"Yea. Right. Cya."

He walked out and I went back to my coffee. A few seconds later, Midoriya walked past, waving to me. I waved back, and heard him catch up with Kirishima. Then Tsu and Ochako walked out too. I wonder what's going on? Work studies, of course.

After they left, I finished my coffee and went up to my room to pack for my work study. Now that I was really thinking about it, the idea was freaking me out. I kept remembering all Todoroki's warnings about his father. I shook my head and kept packing. I would also need to go get the rest of my costume from Mei.

I got dressed and went to the Studio for my costume.

"Oh, you're here early!"

I scoffed. "Look who's talking. It's like you practically live here."

Mei grinned. "Well, you wouldn't be wrong!"

"Hey, is everything ready?"

"Sure! Here!" She pointed to my stuff sitting on the bench. "Hey, are you alright?"

I picked up my gloves and put them on. They just looked like normal gloves, though a bit chunky. "Uh, yea. I got a work study with someone and I've just been thinking about it, is all."

"Oh! Who'd you get a work study with?!" She stood in front of me, eyes shiny.

"Well, um. I'm not exactly keen on telling anyone right now. I mean, there's one person in particular that I don't want to find out. At least, to begin with, because I dare say he'll find out eventually."

"Oooh! Scandalous!"

I shook my head, laughing. "Shuddup! Besides, if I told you, you'd freak out and I'm already freaking enough, thank you very much."

"Oh fine! But you gotta tell me after you start, alright?!"

I sighed heavily. "Fine, but you can't tell Todoroki, deal?"

She nodded, grinning. "Deal. Though I don't understand why you wouldn't tell him."

"Once I tell you, you'll get why. Now, I gotta go. I'll see you later, ok."

"Ok, bye! Come back soon!"

I headed back to the dorm and straight up to my room. I put most of my costume away, then closed the curtains to my balcony and pressed my hand to my door.

"Ok." I muttered to myself as I sat on the bed. "Let's see what work studies really are."

I pressed the button on my wrist and a blurry image popped up. I frowned as it started to clear a little.

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