Chapter 59

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Hopefully this chapter doesn't switch too...




1-A had set up an agency in a centre they ended up calling UA Hero Agency. It wasn't exactly original, but we weren't exactly here permenately either.

Since we were all officially unofficial heroes, we had to actually make decisions together, rather than have one person make them for us, I got voted to stay to man the phones.

I had argued, a lot, and even Mineta helped me. I guessed that he really did miss having me around, laughing as he got rejected.

Luckily, the others had decided to let me out for one day, and Mineta had basically dragged me out of the agency.

"Come on. We'll go over here!"

I laughed. "Alright, alright. Grapes. Calm down!"

He shook his head. "No way! This might be the only time they let you out for ages!"

"Ok, fine. You're not wrong anyway."

We ended up in what looked like a tiny shopping centre, not too far from the beach.

I spotted a small bookshop, and before Mineta was able to grab me, I ducked into it. I searched the shelves, seeing everything from Manga to gardening self help books.

I didn't see much that interested me, so I waved to the cashier and headed back out.

I heard a small commotion and rolled my eyes as two boys tried to get two girls attention.

"Hey, girls! Come out with us!"

I sighed. "Hey, I don't think they're interested."

The girls nodded. "Yea, no thanks."

"Hey! Keep out of this!"

I growled, then spotted Mineta not too far away. He was watching too.

"Hey, Grapes." I nodded to the boys. "Show them they can't speak to girls like that."

He grinned, and as the boys tried to take off after the girls as they walked away, Mineta pushed his sticky balls under their feet. They fell straight onto their faces and started tugging at the balls.

"What are these things?"

I covered my mouth as I scoffed.

"Are you hurt?"

The girls, thinking it was me that spoke and not Mineta, looked at me. I shook my head and pointed a finger towards Ojiro.

I laughed so hard as Ojiro tried to tell the girls that he didn't do anything and Mineta jumped up and down trying to explain that it was him.

"Remind me to never bring you along again!"

"Ah, you'd miss me if I wasn't here!"

"Not right now, I don't!"

I started laughing again as we walked out of the shopping centre, leaving Ojiro to try and break away from the grateful girls'.

"If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you really were a villain." Mineta pouted, as we walked past different stalls outside near the beach.

I grinned. "Ugh. Messing with you guys is fun. I don't need to be a villain to enjoy it. I mean, look at Bakugo."

"Bakugo is just a giant ball of explodey rage. He deserves it." He quickly looked around. "Don't tell him I said that!"

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