Chapter 51

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Supposed to be written like this!




The lights flickered and the cameras switched off as the electricity currents were blocked. After a few more seconds, the lights went off.

A black shape appeared in front of the Master behind the glass. The shape split into two and one light turned on, above a metal chair.

Kitia stood on the other side of the glass with a woman the Master didn't recognize.

Kitia wasn't wearing her hero costume; nor was she wearing the same set of clothes she had worn near Kyushu. She wore a large, long, black cloak with a deep hood. Her boots were ankle length and the same black as her cloak. The clothes under her cloak were sewn into the cloak itself, curtesy of Boss.

Kitia stepped forward, behind the metal chair that was bolted to the floor. The dark haired woman, wearing a brown singlet, tight black pants and brown boots halfway to her knees, stood facing the glass, fists pressed together in front of her.

The woman seemed excited and ready for something to happen, but she stayed silent, with a smirk on her face.

"What do we have here?" The Master finally rasped through the mask on his face. "A surprise visitor?"

Kitia gave a small smile, not that he could see it.

"Are you going to speak, or are we going to sit here staring at each other all day, Kitia?"

Kitia wasn't surprised he knew it was her. She had come to believe that her Master knew everything.

She lowered her hood. Her Master smiled. "You've grown. Matured more, I see."

"You don't seem surprised that I managed to get in here, Master."

He chuckled. "Of course not. I have faith in your abilities."

Kitia's blank expression didn't waver. "So, you knew I'd develop more quirks..."

The Master sighed. "If you're here to-"

Kitia held up her gloved hand. "I'm not here for small talk. I'm here for answers."

The Master studied her for a moment. "Yes. So I can see. You are stronger now. It was only a year ago that you wouldn't even think to speak to me this way. I wonder what has happened to make you think you can now? Is it, perhaps, because I am locked in this room, behind a thick glass wall?"

Kitia lowered her hand and disappeared. The Master couldn't see where she had gone. The woman narrowed her eyes and grinned.

The Master turned his head to see Kitia standing on his side of the glass, facing the woman.

"No. It's not because of that." She turned and faced her Master. "It's because I finally realized something. All this time you spent raising my brother and I, I was always his protector. I was his bodyguard. I got to thinking, why is that? When I'm so much stronger than he is? Why wasn't I the one who you trained to be your successor, instead of him?"

Kitia watched her Master as she spoke. When he didn't react, she turned back to the glass wall.

"I think I finally figured it out. It's not that you wouldn't train me; it's that you couldn't. Somehow you knew I would become as strong as I am, and possibly become stronger. You couldn't train me because you were afraid I would challenge you. Possibly kill you. By all rights, I'm on par with you just as I am now."

Kitia disappeared again, reappearing on the other side and sat on the chair.

"I want to know why. Why am I like this? How am I like this?" She hesitated for the first time since they arrived. "What am I?"

How It BeginsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz