Chapter 38

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"A newspaper?"

"Yea. A newspaper wants to do a feature on you all."

I scowled and against the window. Great. That's all I need. A nosy outsider with a camera...As if I didn't already have enough to deal with right now...

"Isn't that amazing, Deku?"


"It's kind of embarrassing."


"The sports festival was broadcast around the country, right?"

"Mina, we'll be in the paper! We've gotta look our best!"

I groaned quietly and turned pressing my forehead against the window. Yea, I'm aware that's what that Amajiki guy does. After I got home, I couldn't sleep. I had been thinking about Big Sis Mag and Compress. Tomura and Twice. Toga. Where was Spinner? I'd asked Doc to look for him, and Dabi too, since I hadn't heard from him. I narrowed my eyes at the wall. Overhaul was going to pay...

"Don't get too excited. The article is supposed to be about how you students are doing in the dorms you just moved into. The principal thought it would be good for your parents and guardians to see you all living happily in the dorms, so he gave special permission. That's why-"

"Do you think the reporter will be a woman? A woman newscaster?"

I scoffed and stood up straight. "Only if you're lucky, grapejuice."

"Yea. He said it was for a newspaper, anyway."

"If you think about it, 'announcer' sounds like 'bouncer', which sounds like 'bouncy boo-"

I sighed and stepped out of the way as Mr Aizawa wrapped Mineta up in his scarf.

"So you better not do anything like that."

"You don't have to be like that, Mr Aizawa. I want to report on the UA students in their natural state in the dorms."

I touched my nose. "Well then. Be glad you aren't a female or Mineta would definitely insist on the natural state."

Sero, being the closest to me, nudged me, but couldn't help grinning.

"Mr Tokuda, I didn't say you could come in yet..."

"I was told I could be here from 8am until 6pm. It's already that time."

Mr Aizawa looked unimpressed, but released Mineta.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Tokuda, a reporter. Thanks for having me here today."

"Nice to meet you!"

I nodded. "This ought to be fun..."

"You don't have to do anything special. Please just show the camera how you normally live. I might ask you questions occasionally, so I'll be counting on you then." Tokuda grinned. And was that a star that come out of his mouth? Weird...

"Oh, he's so delightful and handsome!"


"Not a woman, huh?"

"Aw, poor you. Whatever shall you do now that your plans have gone out the window?"

"Don't quit your day job. Comedian doesn't suit you."

"My day job is to annoy you endlessly, ballhead."

"What to do? I'm always sparkling, so I can't help but be a wonderful subject for pictures."

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