Chapter 54

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I wandered around the festival, bee-lining for the Gym, when I spotted Snipe. I don't think Hound Dog or Ectoplasm had time to tell anyone else where they were going...

I sighed and went up to Snipe, tugging on his sleeve.

"Kitia. What's wrong?"

"Uh, Ectoplasm and Hound Dog had to go check something out. I'm not sure if they told anyone. They should be fine, but..."

He nodded. "You're concerned something's happened to jeopardize the festival."

I scratched the back of my neck. "Heh. Yea. I don't want to be the one that-"

He put up his hand. "I understand. I'll call them." He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Hound Dog, Ectoplasm, any-" He glanced at me. "-irregularities? Please report."

He listened for a moment. "What the fu-heck?"

I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. Snipe listened for another few moments, then hung up.


He looked at me. "They said there was no emergency."

I sighed, relieved. "Good. Well, then I had better get to the Gym before my classmates freak out. If they haven't started already..." I waved and headed towards the Gym.

I headed into the locker area and already heard shouting.

I sighed and poked my head in.

"Why's that guy taking so long buying one thing?"


I sighed again and stepped into the room.

"There you are!"

I jumped back as Ashido leapt at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I didn't push her off. It seemed so long ago since the last time she did that. I just smiled. But it didn't last long.

"We have an outfit for you!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Ashido smirked as Tooru lifted up the same yellow dress the girls all wore. Minus Jiro and Momo.

"Ah. No."

"I told you she wouldn't take it well..."

I shook my head and raised my hands, backing away. "I am not wearing-"

The girls all looked at each other and grinned.

"Oh crap..."

They jumped on me and dragged me into the girls changing room. They tore all my clothes off and shoved the dress on.

I sat on one of the benches and pouted as they fixed up and straightened the dress and brushed my hair out.

"You guys suck..." I sighed. "Why am I the only girl in the band wearing this? I'm not the lead singer."

Jiro pulled my up and looked me over. "No, we're sharing the singing, but you'll be up front."

I sweat-dropped. "You're joking. Right?"

She shook her head. "You'll have a microphone, that's all. You need to stand out."

I sighed heavily and growled. "Fine. You owe me for this..."

We walked out of the changing room and back to everyone else.

"Is Deku back yet?"

Kouda shook his head. "Aoyama has gone to wait for him."

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