Chapter 27

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"Now, remember what I said yesterday? 'Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you'!"

"At least you can make your own food!"

I grinned. Food is good. Real food is good.

"You all look exhausted! But that doesn't mean you can make any old sloppy cat-food!"

I was tired too, of course, but I was keen for food. Now that both 1-A and 1-B both new about my quirks, they had been allowed to go all out on me at once. It had been a two birds, one stone scenario, since they all needed to learn to work together. They had hit me with everything they had. Honestly, it was a good effort. They nearly put me on my ass. I smirked at the thought. Nearly.

"It's true that part of rescuing someone is filling the stomachs and spirits of those exhausted during a disaster. That's UA for you, no opportunity wasted! Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!"

I lifted my hands in the air. "I'm with Iida!"

"Ok..." Nobody sounded enthusiastic.


"Todoroki! Can we get fire over here too?"

I laughed. Ice-boy was now being used as a human fire-starter and I couldn't help it. Especially when the look on his face seemed to be 'for fuck sake'.

"Bakugo, use explosion to light this!"

I shook my head. "He'll blow us all up before we eat. Don't do that..."

"Shut up! Like I would!" He tried to light it but failed, which made me laugh harder.

"If you only rely on others, then you will not learn how to light a fire."

She's not wrong. Saying that..."Says the girl who can create whatever she likes, including that lighter you're holding..."


I sighed. I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out my own lighter I had snuck in my bag. I looked up to see Bakugo walk off. I debated going to see him, but after today, I figured he needed time to cool off. I'll talk to him later.

I went and grabbed some leaves and small branches, then went to the furthest fireplace. I stacked everything in the bottom and flicked the lighter.

"Do you want a hand?"

I looked up. "Nahh, Ice-boy. I got it. You know, it's weird seeing you use your fire. Can't call you 'Ice-man' anymore. Kinda makes me sad. Like, you're growing up or something." I dropped the lighter as the fire burnt my finger. "Ouch." I put my finger in my mouth as the fire slowly started to get bigger.

Todoroki sighed and sat next to me. "Here." He took my finger and made it cold.

"The burn wasn't that bad, but thanks." I stood up and started on the food. "I have a terrible habit of putting everything in everything I cook, so I'll probably end up with heaps of leftovers. Nobody will want to try it, guaranteed!" I laughed as I started to cut up the onions and the spuds.

"Why wouldn't anyone try it?"

I shrugged. "There'd be certain things people don't like or are allergic to, so I won't force them. I'm lucky enough to not be bothered about what kind of food I eat. I'll eat anything really."

"So why don't you write down what's in it, and let people know? I'm sure that people without allergies will at least try it."

I scoffed. "Like you?"

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