Chapter 6

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Oh crap! 

This chapter is long AF!

Over 3,000 word count!

Sorry guys!




After homeroom, Ashido was constantly hanging around me. I came to find that I actually enjoyed her company.

"I'm going to go ahead and find us a table in the cafeteria!"

"Sure, Ashido. You do that. I'm going to go find Cementoss first."

She turned to me. "Why do you need to find him?"

"I need to apologize to him. I kind of yelled at him when we were at USJ, and I thought I'd better apologize. I feel bad, you know?"

She smiled at me. "Oh. I'm sure he'll forgive you. It was an intense day, that day."

"Yea. I hope so."

Ashido hugged me. "You go find him, and I'll find a table. I'll meet you there, ok?"

I smiled. "Ok. I'll be back soon." I waved and turned to walk away.

Where would he be, anyway? The teachers lounge, probably. I'll head that way.

I pulled my hood over my head and headed towards the lounge. I started to think about the USJ Incident. I thought about the Nomu. All Might. That fucking idiot, Midoriya.

I was so far in thought, I wasn't watching where I was going, and bumped into someone.

"Ouch! Sorry!"

"It's alright."

I looked up. "Oh. I was looking for you."

Cementoss looked at me. "Oh? Why is that?"

I hesitated. "I wanted to apologize. For the way I spoke to you at the USJ. I guess I was in shock, but..." I shook my head. "No excuse. I'm sorry."

He studied me for a moment, then smiled. "I forgive you. It was a bit of a shock. For everyone, I imagine."

"Heh. Yea, that's an understatement. I mean, I still don't want you to tell anyone that hasn't already been told, but...I'm asking politely this time. Please don't tell anyone else. It's bad enough 1-A already knows."

"Of course. You will tell everyone when you are ready too."

I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. The way he said that...

He smiled at me and nodded. He went to walk around me, then stopped. "Oh, by the way, Principal Nezu wants a word with you when you have the time."

"Oh? What about?"

He glanced over his shoulder. "About the USJ Incident, I'd imagine. Or about your secret you want to keep."

He walked away. I frowned after him. What was all that about?

I shrugged and went back to the cafeteria.


"Hey, Kitia!" I spotted Ashido as she jumped up and waved her hand at me. I headed over to her. Tsu, Mineta and Midoriya were there too.

I raised my eyebrows. Odd group.

"Did you find Cementoss?"

I sat down and Tsu pushed a tray of food over for me. "Thanks, Tsu. Yea I did. He forgave me, thankfully." I looked at Midoriya. "Oh, by the way, I owe you something."

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