Chapter 34

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Everyone ran out of the unfolded building, towards the demolished areas. I shook my head as Iida started shouting orders.

"Let's start by going to the closest urban area! We'll work as a team as much as possible!"


Bakugo ran off in a different direction, Kirishima and Kaminari in tow. I smirked. He's gonna looove that.

"Okay now, please wrap the second test as quickly as possible too."

"Even if this is just an exercise, this is pretty crazy."

"Everyone, be careful of falling debris!"

I tapped Shouji's arm. He frowned at me, but lifted me up. As he ran, I closed my eyes and pressed the button on my wrist. "Sorry, I needed to close my eyes to do this. I gotta work on doing it with my eyes open." I pictured the streets, searching for the worst affected areas, but I couldn't tell. I pressed the button and opened my eyes. "Dammit, it's not gonna work."

"What is that?"

"I'll explain later. Now, I'm going to look around for the worst affected areas, then come back. I won't be long." By now, we had stopped and Midoriya was looking at a collapsed building. I slid down off Shouji's back and summoned my smoke-like wings. "I'm just going to get a birds-eye view of everything." 

I rose into the air and looked around. It took about a minute to really get everything into my head, then I floated down again. "Where'd they bugger off to now?" 

I heard shouting and ran to see what was going on. When I reached the source of the shouting, I immediately face-palmed.

"-you need to check whether or not I can walk! My breathing is weird too, right? And I'm bleeding pretty badly on my head! Those with provisional licences should be able to take in the victims condition in an instant-"

I quickly stepped forward and kneeled in front of the man acting as a small boy. "Let me check your head wound before we do anything like getting you to stand. If it's bad, you shouldn't be trying to stand up and you'll need to be carried to the first aid area. Everyone freaking out is not going to help the situation, so please try to calm down before you make yourself sick." 

I checked the fake head wound as I spoke. "Also, you're breathing funny because you're hyperventilating, which is why you need to calm down and even out your breath so you don't get sick or pass out. Mid-uh, Deku, here. You take over and get him to the first aid area. I got a map of the whole place in my head." 

I stood up slowly, helping the 'boy' and poked myself in the temple. I smiled at the 'boy'. "You'll be fine with him. He'll look after you. The rest of us need to help other people like you. Go on, quickly."

The actor stared at me for a second, then started shouting again. "See?! That's how you handle a situation!"

I sighed. "Moving on. We should really get off this before it collapses more, then I'll show everyone the map."

We got back onto solid ground while Midoriya took off with the 'boy'. I lifted a finger before anyone spoke. "Don't you lot dare say anything. Not the time. Here." I pressed the button and closed my eyes, picturing the areas. "These are all the areas that are the worst or would have the most victims." I pressed the button again and opened my eyes. "I'm not afraid to say I'm pretty much useless as a rescuer. You guys go off and do that, I'm going to head over to the first aid and give them a hand." 

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