Chapter 36

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Sorry this chapter took so long!




We started classes the next day, minus Bakugo and Midoriya. They had been put under house arrest for a few days. Turns out, nobody realized I had ever left my room, so I was safe for the time being.

"Listen up, everyone! Stay in line and move promptly to the grounds!"

I sighed and walked passed Iida, hearing Sero's retort.

"You're the one who's not in line!"

"The dilemma of a class rep!"

I rolled my eyes. I had gotten used to Iida, but his stiffness still annoyed me. I looked up and groaned. One person who annoyed me more than anyone else...

"I heard, 1-A. Two people! You had two people fail the provisional licencing exam!"


"He's crazy as usual."

"So, were you the only one to fail again? Like the final?"

I snickered. "No wonder he's a dick all the time."

I sweat dropped as Monoma did a creepy laugh and turned around.

"So which is it?!"

"Yea, man. That wasn't an answer..."

"We...all passed! We've pulled ahead of you, 1-A."

I grinned. "Well done, guys! Except you, creepy copycat. You suck." I went over to Pony and gave her a high-five.

"According to Vlad Teacher, we'll have classes together this semester! I'm looking forward to it!"

"Me too! We might have to teach everyone else a thing or two about getting along, huh?"

She nodded, then Monoma came up to her and whispered something in her ear. It better not be anything horrible...

I saw Kaminari looking at her and went to say something, but Monoma slipped away and Pony said: "I'll beat you up so bad you won't be able to get back up!"

"Oh hell..." I face-palmed, but hopefully nobody will try anything on her now... "Monoma, you're a dick!"

Kendo went up to him and hit him. "Don't teach her weird phrases!"

"Hey, we're trying to get through back here."

"I'm sorry. Come now, everyone, save your chitchat for later! Your causing problems for other people."

"Don't show me how uncool you are."

I grinned. Shinso, the brainwashing guy.

"That guy looks like he's bulked up a bit."

I heard the comment and looked at Shinso again. Yea. It does look that way. I hope he's been training in fighting. It would be good for him.


"Hey! It's the small mammal you all love, the principal! Recently, the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality. It's hard for me to take care of it. This is something you can say about you humans, too. Even if you have a balanced diet with zinc and vitamins, the most important thing has to be sleep. Disturbing your lifestyle is the worst for your fur. So if you're trying to improve your hair quality, you should make sure to get enough sleep."

I tried to keep still, I really did. But standing still for so long is hard. I mean, Nezu is cool and all, and I respect him of course, but why is he talking about hair...?

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