Chapter 45

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I stayed at my warehouse for two days after that. Tokoyami hadn't tried to contact me, so it seemed Dark Shadow kept his word.

Sharps was still there, and Hirahara and his father didn't leave after I appeared in the alleyway. Doc was concerned about me and eventually managed to get the story out of me. I still couldn't really remember much about before I ended up near Kyushu, or who had done to me what that lady said. The last thing I remember before waking up in Kyushu is the raid on Boss' messed up experiments.


I nodded. Sharps smiled at me, but I could tell he was concerned. He went to the kitchen to make the coffee.

Doc had been working a lot at the hospital, but stayed constantly by my side when he was home. Though everyone here was trustworthy, he still acted protective.

"Sharps?" I said his name quietly, and I was on the couch, so I wasn't sure if he heard me.

"Yes?" He leaned on the back of the couch.

"What you said when we first met...We're the same?"

The kettle clicked off as he nodded. He got the coffee and come back, sitting next to me on the couch.

Doc was working, and Hirahara and his father were at their shop, so it was just me and Sharps.

He sighed. "You found out about the experiments?"

I nodded. "That guy I caught with Endeavor beforehand...They all think it was a trafficking ring?"

"Yea. Only certain people know the truth, as you probably would have realized. Only the ones the experiments worked on."

"River? You?"

He nodded. "Snake-Arms and Dox too. Though only I have what the Boss would call the 'perfected state'. Dox, Snake-Arms and River are still a work in progress. Their quirks have been enhanced, but they're us."

I frowned and shifted to face him. "Multiple quirks. Boss said something about that. What was he on about?"

Sharps took a breath. "Hara told me you have...multiple quirks. He was here when I first arrived here. He asked me about this trafficking and I told him the truth. He freaked out and told me about your multiple quirks. I called anonymously to tip off the heroes that you were right about the island. Boss...Is obsessed with fixing and enhancing quirks, as well as being on a mission to find people with multiple quirks. There are...a small amount of us."

I widened my eyes. "There are more people with more than two quirks?"

He nodded. "We're rare, but we're out there. Mine weren't overly strong. I used my blades more than the others." He looked at me and smiled. "You're curious about my quirks."

I nodded and he laughed. "Fair enough. Tell you what. I'll show you one, and then you show me one. We'll do it like that."


"I'll go first." He lifted his hand and a dagger slowly came out of his palm. I watched, fascinated. It wasn't like my weapons. His was solid, whereas mine wasn't quite like that. "They're metal. Iron. Uses the iron from my body to make them. I can make bone ones as well, and depending on how much calcium is in my diet, those ones can be just as strong at the iron ones. How much calcium and iron that's in my diet was the original draw back, but Boss enhanced it so I could create stronger blades with minimum effort. I don't have to use as much iron or calcium now."

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