Chapter 32

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A few days later, we stood outside of the exam building. I didn't think I'd be nervous, but here we are...

"Ah, I'm getting nervous!"

"I wonder what we'll have to do..I wonder if I can get my provisional licence..."

"Mineta. It's not about whether or not you can. Go and get it!"

"Right. Of course!"

"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licences, then you novice eggs will become chicks-"

My face went blank. That's a terrible analogy, Mr Aizawa...

"You'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best."

"Alright, I'll become a chick!"

I scoffed. "Too late, Kaminari..."


"What? Nothing..." I grinned and high-fived Kirishima.

"Let's all call out the usual! Ready, set, Plus-"


Who the hell is that guy? Some guy from a different school just come out of nowhere...And he's really loud...

"You shouldn't barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa."

I nodded. "It is a little rude, dude."

"Oh no. I am...Very...Extremely...Sorry!" I took a few steps back as this Inasa guy stood up straight then bowed so low his head hit the ground. What the hell is with this guy?

"What's with this guy trying to get by with just his enthusiasm?"

"Wait. That uniform..."

"It's from that famous school in the West..."

"Uh, I never heard of it..." I muttered. Bakugo was closest to me, so he heard.

"UA in the East, Shiketsu in the West. Of the many hero courses, it's an elite school that rivals UA."

"Ah. I see..."

"I wanted to try saying it at least once! Plus Ultra! I love UA High School! I am extremely honored to compete against UA students! I'm looking forward to it!"

"Look, that's great mate, but tone it down a bit, yea? That red aura of yours is going to give everyone the wrong idea..."

His classmates walked off. "Let's go." Clearly they weren't listening to me...

"Inasa Yoarashi..."

I looked up at Mr Aizawa. "Huh?"

"He's...Strong. Last year, the same year as you guys, Yoarashi got the top scores of those admitted through recommendations, but for some reason, he turned down his acceptance."

"What? So then he's a first year?!" Calm down, Midoriya...Save your freaking out for the exam...

"Even though he says he loves UA, he threw away his chance to enroll. I don't get it."

"Right. What a weirdo."

I grinned and leaned against Ashido. "And just think. He would have fit right in with the rest of us weirdo's!"

"He's weird, but he's the real thing. Watch out for him."

"Eraser? It's you, isn't it?! I've seen you on TV and at the sports festival, but it's been a while since I've seen you in person!"

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