Chapter 61

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School went back to normal for a while. Just classes and training; nothing interesting, but certainly not boring.

Phone calls between myself and Shigaraki were still very few, and each time the topic of my pregnancy came up. I hated it, but humored him regardless. I knew that Kurogiri knew my circumstances, but I wasn't sure about the others.

I breathed out after one such phone call. I had heard Toga in background and questioned Shigaraki if she knew.

"Now now, Sis. We're all friends here."

That's all he had said before he hung up.

I sighed and put my phone away. Recovery Girl wanted to do checkups twice a week now and sometimes they had overlapped with Boss'. Can't say I was disappointed about missing some of his checkups.

I got up from my desk and walked out to head to the Development Studio. Mei was still working on my hero costume, but also now my villain costume; not that she knew that's what it was. We had gotten close and built a repour where even Power Loader commented on it.

I had thought a lot lately about it, and had decided to try to branch out. Feel around amongst the villains and other certain arounds. A few lower level villains who preferred to stay hidden had managed to contact me about my enquiries and agreed my idea was a decent one, regardless of how crazy it sounded.

"I just wonder how I'm going to broach the subject with her..." I muttered as I opened the door, standing sideways and catching a large chunk of steel and plastic mixture.

Mei coughed and fanned the smoke away as I walked in.

"Lose something?"

Mei grinned and grabbed the ball-like chunk from me. "Good catch! You always seem to turn up at the right time!" She tinkered with it as she spoke. "Good thing too. I needed this."

"What is it exactly?"

"Oh this?" She eyed me for a moment before tinkering again. "Smoke bomb. Slightly bigger than usual to target a bigger area."

I lifted an eyebrow. "That's a little...tame for you, don't you think?"

This time, she turned fully to me. "Oh? You think I always make something so big and complicated?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Of course. And you do it all the while laughing and blowing shit up."

Mei tried to hold her grin back, but failed. "Oh you're 100% right! I also wanted to make this thing create a false area. You know, project something from your Mapping quirk once the smoke clears." She went back to tinkering, then placed my villain costume on the table. "I'm using this costume to test everything. You won't need this costume permanently since you're not permanently pregnant."

I nodded, understanding. "It certainly feels that way though..."

I looked around as Mei grunted a reply. "Hey...Where's Power Loader? Usually he's here, bugging you to keep everything from blowing up."

She waved a screwdriver slightly before going back to work. "Elsewhere. 'I can't keep an eye on you all the time' he said. Besides, I wanted to talk to you alone."

A question mark appeared and I blinked at her. "What about?"

She didn't reply for a moment, and she didn't give away anything on her features. When she finally did open her mouth, I could barely believe what I was hearing.

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