Chapter 21

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I made my way into the monitor room. These fights were going to be interesting. We all had been allowed to wear our costumes, which I actually liked the idea of.

"Well, it looks like I'll have a lot of work today."

"Oh, can I help? I need to practice anyway..."

"Do they all know about your quirks?"

I nodded. "They found out, but they haven't told anyone else. So, basically, all the teachers and all of 1-A know. Plus, you, Gang Orca and Rock Lock." I pressed my hand to my temple. That's a lot of people.

"Gang Orca and Rock Lock?"

"I interned with Gang Orca and Rock Lock just happened to be there."

"Oh. You trust them?"

I smiled, then grinned. "Yes. Both of them. Even if Rock Lock is stiffer than a board, he's fine."

Ochako came in. "Deku, you're watching too?"

"Yea. We don't have many chances to see other students and teachers fight."

I tapped my chin. "Which reminds me...Recovery Girl?"

"Yes dear?"

"Do you know what's going on with me? I mean, I wasn't told who I was paring with or who I'm fighting. Do you know?"

She shook her head. "Sorry. Principal Nezu must have a good reason for not telling you."

I frowned and looked up at the screen. "I have an uneasy feeling about it."

"Team Satou and Kirishima, practical exam. Ready, go!"

"My money is on them running in head-on..."

"You think so little of your classmates, dear?"

I grinned. "Nahh. I just know them better than they think I do."

Kirishima and Satou ran down the main street and straight into a wall Cementoss created. I sighed. This is going to be easy for him.

I watched as Kirishima grinned and used his quirk: Hardening. Satou followed his lead and swallowed a whole canister of sugar. Satou's quirk is Sugar Rush. Depending on how much sugar he eats, he can become five times as strong for three minutes.

They started to run at Cementoss. I looked at Recovery Girl with an 'I told you so' expression.

Cementoss threw up wall after wall as Satou and Kirishima punched through them. I face-palmed. "These guys are so fucking..."

"You can do it, Kirishima, Satou!"

I looked at Ochako through my fingers. "Don't bet on it. Those two are fucking idiots. They could have easily put the handcuffs on Cementoss if they used this..." I pressed a finger to my temple. "But they'd rather use the wrong kind of muscles." I turned back to the screen. "Remind me to clout them both over the head when they're finished getting their asses handed to them..."

"I agree with Kitia."

Ochako looked at Midoriya. "Huh?"

"Kirishima and Satou's quirks are amazing, but there's a limit to how long they can use them. Oh the other hand, I don't think Mr Cementoss has that. The more time passes, the more of a disadvantage Kirishima and Satou will be at."

"No way..."

I nodded.

"This practical exam is pitting students against teachers they'd have a hard time with on purpose. I think the key will be how they deal with their weaknesses to pass."

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