Chapter 23

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As I limped down the alleyway towards my warehouse, a warp-gate opened up and Kurogiri stepped through.

"What do you want?"

"Your brother wants to see you."

I sighed, but I didn't argue. I was too tired from the day. I stepped through the gate into the bar without replying.

"Hey, sis. You look tired."

"I'm exhausted. Had the exams today."

"Ah, I see."

I sat down on a stool at the end of the bar and put my head down, as Tomura looked at a pictured. Kurogiri went to stand behind the bar.

"Are you curious, Tomura Shigaraki, about the boy Izuku Midoriya?"

I frowned, but didn't look up. Ever since USJ, Tomura has hated Midoriya. I heard the door behind me open and I glanced over my shoulder. A man wearing a blue suit and glasses stood in the doorway. Who was this guy? Luckily I had changed into my jeans and jacket instead of my uniform...

"Shigaraki, you all have been the talk of the town for the past few days. I hear you're starting something big-"

Tomura crumpled up Midoriya's picture and destroyed it. "And? Who are they?"

The man turned around without saying anything. Interested now, I turned on my stool as a boy and a girl walked in.

"So it's you, huh? I saw a picture of you, but you look gross in person."

I smirked. "You can talk, staple-face."

He glanced at me. "I don't know who you are."

I smiled. "Good. Let's keep it that way for a little longer, ok?"

The girl grinned and hopped from foot to foot. "Wow! That hand guy! You're friends with the great Stain, right? Right? Let me join, too! The League of Villains!"

"Well, this one's enthusiastic..."

"Kurogiri, get rid of these guys. Everything I hate came together in one set. A brat, and a rude guy."

"Now, now. They came all this way to visit, so let's at least hear them out, Tomura Shigaraki. Besides, that big shot broker brought them. They're bound to be valuable assets."

"I agree with Kurogiri." I slipped off the stool as they looked at me. "Let's see what they can offer."

The broker man looked at us. "I don't care what you do with them, but do make sure I get my commission, Kurogiri. At least let me introduce them. First, this cute high school girl."

I leaned on the bar. This shall be interesting.

"Her name and face were kept tightly under wraps by the media, but she's a on the run as the suspect in a series of deaths by blood loss."

I raised my eyebrow. Impressive.

"I'm Toga! Himiko Toga! It's hard to live! I want the world to become an easier place to live! I want to become Mr Stainy! So let me join the League of Villains, Tomura!"

I smiled. She definitely had enthusiasm. I wandered over and put my hands over hers and smiled. "I like your enthusiasm, Toga, I really do."

She gave a wide grin.

"She can hold a conversation for the most part. I'm sure she'll be of use. Next, this guy over here."

I squeezed Toga's hands then went to stand in front of the boy. He was tall and had what looked like burns or scars on the lower half of his face and bottom eyelids. He had staples in these places as well. He looked down at me with interest, but said nothing as the broker continued speaking.

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