Chapter 2

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Ok, hopefully this isn't a complete disaster!




The next few days consisted of me going to school and arguing with my brother about staying on my own. Finally, he agreed if my transport man would set up something not too far from the school.

Needless to say, I ended up in a decked out warehouse. A huge one.

I turned a corner in the corridor heading to class. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone and landed on my ass.

"Hey! Look where you're fucking going!"

I looked up. Oh great. This fucking guy.

"Yea, yea. Whatever, dude." I stood up and went to push past Bakugo.

I stopped, standing next to him.

A blonde boy and two of his friends from 1-B, was walking towards us with a sinister grin.

"This shall be interesting." I muttered to Bakugo.

"What the fuck do you want, Monoma."

I glanced at Bakugo. I barely ever heard the guy say someone's name, so I assume he said it for my benefit.

"Oh, I just thought I'd introduce myself to the new girl." He said it with a creepy looking grin and held out his hand to me. "Neito Monoma."

I hesitated, then went to take my hand out of my pocket.

"Don't fucking touch him."

"Huh?" I looked at Bakugo, but he was staring down Monoma.

"Get out of here, you bastard, or I'll blast you."

"We better go, Monoma. This guy doesn't hold back." This guy had dark hair held back by a bandanna.

"Yea. And don't be a dick." The red head girl hit Monoma in the back of the head. She sighed as he collapsed, and picked him up by the collar.

She smiled at us. "Sorry about that. I'm Itsuka Kendo and this is Yosetsu Awase. Class 1-B. Hope you're liking the school so far. I better get this idiot back to class. I'll see you around." Kendo waved and dragged Monoma away.

The boy, Awase, hesitated. "I did try to stop him."

I was about to speak but Bakugo cut me off.

"Yea well, you should have fucking tried harder."

He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards our classroom.

"Uh, Bakugo?"


"What was that back there? Who was that Monoma guy?"

He glanced at me. "Since you're new and don't know anything.."

I sweat-dropped.

"..I'll explain. That bastards quirk is to copy quirks, but he can only do it if he touches you. Never trust the prick. Ever."

"Oh. Uh, well thanks. I think." Definitely thanks. Can't afford someone to steal mine.

He turned to face me as we got to the classroom.

"Don't think this makes us friends. I hate that fucking bastard more than I hate you."

I dead-panned. "You don't even fucking know me enough to either hate me or not, dude. Calm down."

He glared at me and walked into the classroom. I shrugged and followed.

Tokoyami turned to look at me as I sat down.

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