Chapter 50

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This is a long one!





The next day, I was dreading speaking to Mr Aizawa.

Tokoyami and I figured it might be better talking to him in Recovery Girl's office with her there. It's possible that he might get mad, but that couldn't helped. He was sure to get mad either way, if we were honest.

Well, that was the plan anyway.

Turned out, the next two days were busy, so I barely had time to even go to Recovery Girl for a check up.

"Are you going to tell Mr Aizawa?"

"Yes. I don't have a choice. Two of my classmates already know, and one has got suspicions, which means Mr Aizawa's gotta know, right? He'll be mad if I don't tell him myself."

"Is Tokoyami going to go with you?"

I sat up and straightened myself. "That was the plan, but now that I think about it, it's probably best if he doesn't. I don't want Mr Aizawa to assume something that didn't happen."

"Oh, I see. You're worried Mr Aizawa will blame Tokoyami."

I nodded and hoped off the bed. "I know it's stupid, but I don't want to get him into trouble."


I zipped my jacket up. "What is it?"

"I'm surprised you made the decision to keep it, that's all. Considering the circumstances. Why go to all the trouble keeping it a secret?"

I nodded. It was an understandable question. "It's just...I guess I lay in bed at night and thought over everything. I looked at it from different views and realized it's not it's fault that this happened to me, you know? It asked for it about as much as I did, if you get what I mean."

Recovery Girl nodded, then smiled, but the smile was sad. "I understand. That's a very mature way of looking at it. You are older than your years."

I smiled back. "Thanks, I think. I better go find Mr Aizawa. I'll do this while I have the courage."

"Good idea, dear. Good-luck."

I nodded and quickly walked out. I walked around the school and saw no sign of him. Where was Mr Aizawa, anyway? There's probably two people who would know. Principal Nezu and-

"Kitia! My favourite pouting student!"

I grinned and quickly hid my grin as I turned around. "You know, it's not cool to pick favourites, Mic."

"Oh come on! I was kidding!" He stepped closer and leaned in, whispering. "I wasn't really, but you're right. I can't really have favourites."

I smirked. "Hey, do you know where Mr Aizawa is, by any chance?"

"Eraser?" Mic started to scratch his chin. "I think he's gone to the hospital to see Eri." He looked at me with narrowed eyes. "What is it you need?"

I shrugged and started to walk away. "I just need to tell him something."

"You can tell me instead."

I stopped walking. The memory of when I ran away from the dorm and bumped into Mic popped into my head.

"You know you can talk to me."

I needed to tell Mr Aizawa, but he wasn't here. By the time he came back, I probably would have lost the courage to say anything at all.

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