Chapter 30

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Over 5,000 words!

Unintentional! Sorry!




We turned down a dark alleyway, a few blocks from the bar. We had watched as Iida, Kirishima and Midoriya rescued Bakugo, and watched Tomura and his League leave.

"He'll call me soon. He'll want to tell me what's just happened. He won't be able to pick me up until Kurogiri has recovered, so we need to leave. We can't afford to be caught." I tapped my chin as we got to Gavin's car. "What about 'Dr Death'?"

"Huh?" He started the car and we headed home.

"Dr Death. We all need code names. Mine's Rune, but my class already know it, and so do the League, so I'll have to come up with something else."

"That's a little extreme, don't you think?"

I shook my head. "Not with the way things are now."

He nodded. "Alright, Dr Death it is. What about Twice, Spinner and Dabi?"

"They'll keep those, since they're just villain names anyway. No, I meant just for us. We also need a name for our group. Dabi in particular won't stand with us if we haven't thought about everything." I took my phone out as it started to ring. "Hey, brother."

"We lost him."

I hesitated. "Who?"

"Katsuki Bakugo. That damn brat took him!"

"Oh. What happened exactly? Where are you?"

There was silence for a minute. "How long were you there for?"

I sighed. "Not long. Just long enough to see the you warp in, then I was gone. I didn't want to blow my cover."

"I see. Well, it can't be helped. We all knew the stakes when we placed you in that school. I want to see you as soon as Kurogiri is able."

"Yes, brother. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help."

"No. I'm glad you didn't. If you showed yourself, you would have had to help those kids. Master would have been annoyed."

I shivered. "Yes, he would have been. Be safe, brother. Stay hidden, and be smart."

"Yes, sis. I will. You too." He hung. I sighed in relief. He wasn't mad at me. Good.


I paced in my lounge room, in front of the couch where the doc sat.

"Would you stop that? You're making me nervous."

"We should have heard something. Anything. From anyone. It's too quiet."

Doc leaned forward and went to turn the TV on, but I stopped him. "No. I want to see the end, not the fight. If I see the fight, I'll want to go back. No, let's just wait for the call."

He sighed and put the remote down. "Bloody teenagers."

I glared at him. "I might be only sixteen, but I've seen enough in my life. I'm honestly lucky to still be alive!"

"As true as that may be, you've recently been kept in the dark about things. The more information we have, the better for us in the long run."

I growled. "Fine. I'll be in my room."

I stayed in my room for a few days. I had heard from Tomura again, but he wasn't as impatient to see me. He wanted to have me with him when he spoke to everyone, now that our Master had been imprisoned. Dabi had finally contacted me. He finally decided he wanted to talk to me, away from Tomura.

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