Chapter 18

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The next day, all we did was patrol around. I knew Gang Orca could tell something was up with me, because I barely spoke. I was still thinking about what Stain had said to me. How did even know about me? Did he know about me, or was he just messing with me? I doubt it. Stain was serious when he had said it.

I saw some guy snatch a woman's bag out the corner of my eye. I flung my arm out and tripped him over with a tendril. I wandered over and picked the bag up. The guy looked up at me and tried to punch me, spikes appearing on his knuckles. I held my hand up, a small shield covering my hand.

"What the fuck...?!"

I looked at him, cocking my head. I narrowed my eyes at him. "People like you disgust me. I'm only going to warn you for now. If I see you again, you can bet I'll end you."

The man widened his eyes at me. I stepped back and gave the woman back her bag and kept walking.

"I think we should go back."

I looked up at Gang Orca and blinked. "Why?"

"You can't let your emotions get the better of you. Especially when you're out here."

"Ah. You're worried I'm going to injure someone."

He nodded. "Or yourself."


We got back to the house. I had found out why there was no one else here. It was so I could freely practice my quirks without any questions. I had found out through training, that I could re-enforce my shield, making it stronger. That had come in handy. I also found that I was better able to control my shield now in case I got distracted for whatever reason. Damn Gang Orca and the times he trained me shirtless... My healing got a fair bit of a workout too. Gang Orca didn't hold back, even in training. I had learned how to heal a fractured collarbone, cheek, sprained and torn ligaments and muscles. It had been hard, as well as painful, but it had been worth it in the long run.

I watched from the back veranda as the sun started to go down.

"There's something on your mind."

I nodded, but didn't turn around. "I'm still trying to figure what I want to do. I mean, Aizawa, Nezu, All Might, Cementoss, my classmates...They all think I can be something, but what is that something though? I'm different from everyone else. How am I meant to be something? How am I going to be what they want me to be?"

"You don't need to think about it right now."

"Huh?" I turned my head.

Gang Orca stood beside me and smiled. "You'll know when it comes down to it, what you need to do. Who you're meant to be. Until then, just train and focus on strengthening yourself."

I looked up at him, my cheeks going slightly pink from admiration. I smiled and nodded.

"Well then. Since I was basically useless today, I assume you want to beat me up." I grinned and stepped down into the arena.

He narrowed his eyes. "I never beat you up." He leapt towards me. I dodged and slid across the ground.

"Yea, sure. Keep telling yourself that."

He ran at me and raised his fists to punch me. I held up my arms, creating a shield. His punches drove me backwards. I tried to dig my heels in, but he was really strong.

I heard an explosion in the distance and blinked. The distraction caused my shield to become weaker and Gang Orca grabbed my arms, pinning me to the ground.

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