Part 19

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Italics- Lydia's voices


It was only Oliver and Lydia who were on the plane to Lian Yu in the early morning to see Slade Wilson. When Oliver landed the plane on the sandy beach, he helped Lydia down the steps.

He smirked to himself that she was wearing a floral dress, still thinking it's a vacation, on such a disastrous island.

"You can go in first," Lydia told him, as he opened the latch to the ARGUS bunker. He spread his lips, looking back at her before going down the ladder. When he reached the bottom, the guard opened the main door to the cells.

"Hello Slade," Oliver greeted, placing his hands behind his back, holding his chin high. "Oliver Queen," Slade said slowly, standing up and walking closer. "I won, without killing," he told him. "Well not Lydia," he smirked and Oliver lowered his head.

"What do you want with Lydia?" Oliver asked curiously. Slade walked around and gripped the bars, "Because you love her." "Won't deny it," he muttered. "She will die the same way Shado did, because of you," Slade spat and Oliver looked at him. He grew tired of his words and turned around. "I made you a promise, kid!" Slade shouted, "I always keep my promises!"

Oliver climbed up the stairs and opened the latch to see Lydia who was faced towards the ocean. "You got everything out?" She asked, turning around. "Yeah, you can go in. Just be careful," he informed.


Lydia saw the ARGUS guard on his phone, watching something on his phone as she entered the cell room.

"Hello Lydia," Slade greeted with a smile. "Slade." She pulled a chair and sat down a few feet from the gate and leaned forward. "Do you want revenge for kidnapping Stiles?" He asked. "That too," she said. "Then what do you want from me?"

Lydia could hear the terror in his voice and she knew he was getting intimidated by her. "You hurt me in a way I didn't want to feel again," she said softly. "I won't kill you because death would be a gift." "Torture," he mumbled, sitting down on the bed. "You can endure the physical pain," she told him.

Lydia reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a recorder. "A recorder, great," he huffed, "You should probably see that drive I recorded and sent to Stiles." Lydia looked at him in anger and set the recorder into a cup and turned it on. "The battery will probably run out in a few weeks," she smiled as she listened to her scream echo throughout the room. "It's extremely loud," he said, as her voice repeated. "It can be louder," she smirked, setting the cup next to the door. She waved at him with a faint smile and closed the door behind her.

"Is that it?" Oliver asked, helping her out the latch. "Yup, let's go." He led her down the slant of grass and onto the beach. "You had a great idea last night," she told him, "A divine move." "I figured out the ways he wanted to hurt me and used it against him," he explained.

"Lydia," he called and she stopped and faced him. "Slade told me you killed Isabel Rochev." Lydia sighed and slightly rolled her eyes, looking back at him. "We have to go, Jackson wants to meet Roy soon," she told him, deflecting his question.


Lydia was waiting with Roy and the rest of the team in the Verdant as Stiles was picking up Jackson.

"You excited?" She asked Roy. "More of anxiety," he said. Lydia turned around when she heard footsteps come through the entrance and she whipped around.

"Jackson!" She shouted, jumping into his arms. "Hi Lydia," he smiled, pulling back. She went quiet as Jackson and Roy made eye contact across the room. "This is so creepy," Felicity muttered, watching the two. The twins stepped closer before giving each other sincere hugs.

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