Part 15

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Italics- Lydia's voices/Oliver's visions


"Lydia!" Oliver shouted. Roy went after Slade as Oliver cut the ties holding Stiles and Lydia. Oliver carried Lydia in a bridal position as Stiles held pressure onto her neck. "Roy, let's go!" He shouted. Oliver could hear Slade laughing in the back as they went down the stairs.

Oliver and Roy sat in the front of Stiles's Jeep as Stiles stayed in the back with Lydia and started speeding to the hospital. "It's gonna be okay," he comforted her. "You're going to be okay." Oliver looked in the rearview mirror and saw her gagging as Stiles held her neck, blood streamed down his arms.

When they reached the hospital, Roy and Stiles went inside but Oliver couldn't, he was still in his Arrow suit.

Oliver was sitting up on the roof of Starling City's hospital, watching over the city. He was filled with mixed emotions of what Slade did to Lydia. Everything that was happening to Lydia and the rest of his loved ones was because of him. Why did he have to create a team and have vulnerabilities?

"You should just jump off," he heard someone whisper. Oliver turned his head to see Lydia sitting next to him like the other night. "Are you really here?" He asked. "Lydia's banshee side is making everyone in the hospital speak to their subconscious," she explained.

"This is all your fault. What happened to her." "I'm sorry," he apologized. "You should just jump off, that would be apologetic," she suggested. "If I died, Slade wouldn't come after you or anyone else," he realized.

She laid her head on his shoulder. "When you're falling, the wind will rush over your body. You'll feel like you're flying," she told him. "You should've never come back," he heard someone other than Lydia say. He turned his head and saw his father sitting on the ledge next to him. "It's not your first time thinking about this," he said. "Go the easy way out."

Oliver stood up and turned around. He stretched his arms out and moved his feet, falling back. Going down the multiple stories of the hospital, feeling the wind in his face, waiting to smack the concrete.

The police would identify his body and the whole city would know Oliver Queen was the Arrow, the Man in the Hood, the Vigilante. His mother and sister would cry over him, the team would mourn but not continue his work in saving the city, the company would finally shut down, Lydia wouldn't have to worry about the therapy sessions, and Slade wouldn't have to fulfill his promise.

Who will remember the name, Oliver Queen?

"No!" He heard the inner voice yell and he snapped out. Just as he was about to reach the bottom, he pulled an arrow and shot it into the nearest building and he swung to it.

Oliver entered the hospital in his normal clothes and went to the floor Lydia's room was in. The team was outside her room waiting for the doctor to come out.

"Oliver," Stiles called out. "They don't know anything yet." A rush of anxiety swept over Oliver and he exhaled. "I almost had him," Roy muttered. "We'll get him next time," Oliver told him. They all stood and watched through the window as they were stitching her neck.

"Oliver?" He heard Laurel call out. She was with Lance and Sara and they all looked at Lydia. "Will she be okay?" Sara asked, clenching her jaw. "They don't know."

Oliver turned around to Diggle and Felicity who were sitting down. "We need to put him down," Diggle said. "If he did this and recreated the Mirakuru, what else can he do?" "I-I don't know," he stammered. The doctor came out and everyone looked at him. "She will be fine. You guys can go in."

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