Part 1

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Italics- Lydia's voices


Lydia, Diggle, and Felicity were on a plane. The pilot had no idea where he was going but the amount of money he was being paid said otherwise.

"I'm getting sick," Felicity cried out, holding on to her seat. "It should be around here," Diggle told the pilot.

The plane went through the clouds and an island was visible. "Lian Yu," Lydia told them. "Purgatory." Lydia could see a sunken ship a few miles from the sandy beach.

The plane roughly landed on the sand and the three of them got out. They walked across the beach until they entered the humid forest.

"I told you not to wear a dress," Felicity told Lydia. "It's an island, I wanted to fit it with the destination," Lydia explained, stumbling over the fallen branches. "It's not a vacation island," Diggle commented. "Well it is for Oliver," Felicity said, pushing up her glasses.

Lydia stepped on something that made a click noise. She immediately stopped and looked under her boot. "Don't move," Diggle said, moving the dirt around her foot. "It's a landmine and it's still active," he sighed. "It's just like the bear trap," Lydia whispered to herself. "Please tell me you guys can read," she said aloud. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Felicity repeated, freaking out.

"Diggle, Felicity step back!" Oliver called out from a tree. Felicity and Diggle complied as Oliver tugged on a sturdy vine. Oliver held the vine and jumped off the tree. Lydia closed her eyes as he picked her up when he swung past her, setting off the bomb. He landed on top of her on the hard ground. Oliver quickly got up, lending a hand out to Lydia to get up. "Thank you," she said. "Tarzan saves the Little Mermaid," she commented to herself.

Oliver led them to an abandoned moss-growing airplane. "This is where I live," he showed them, putting on a t-shirt. "Guys, where's Lydia?" Felicity asked them. Oliver and Diggle looked outside. "I think I know where she is," Oliver said leaving.

Lydia was at a small cliff that had a slanting before the beach. She heard leaves crunching and footsteps approaching her. "I figured you'd be here," Oliver said, standing next to her. "It's a small cemetery," he explained. "This whole island is a cemetery," she commented. Lydia looked at all the names that had been carved onto bark: Shado, Yao Fei, Tiana, and Robert.

"You missed the funeral," Lydia told him. "The exact number I predicted." Lydia watched Oliver pull a piece of bark from a tree and start carving a name, Tommy. He put the headstone next to the other graves, but without the rocks.

Lydia followed Oliver down to the beach. They were walking, kicking the small pebbles as waves crashed onto the shore and the sun reflected the water and shined into their faces. "There's been chaos since the Undertaking," she said. "After six months, they haven't been able to pick back up. People think they can do whatever the hell they want since the police department is failing." Oliver stopped and Lydia turned to him. "So you want me to come back," Oliver realized. Lydia nodded. "The city needs the Arrow," she said. Oliver looked at the water then to her. "I've made peace with myself, Lydia," he finally said. "If I go back, I won't target the list and kill people, I'll be the Arrow for the city." "Good choice," she said. " And, Laurel is on a role looking for you and the company is plummeting," she added, scrunching her face.

Diggle and Felicity came out from the trees and caught up to them. "Are we going?" Diggle asked. "I'm flying," Oliver said, jogging to the plane. Lydia, Felicity, and Diggle looked at each other, confused. "How does he know how to fly a plane?" Felicity asked, reading their minds. "No idea," Diggle said.



Oliver woke up the next morning in his bed. He took a hot shower and put on a gray suit. Oliver went downstairs to the empty house and went out the door.

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