Part 5

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Italics- Lydia's voices/visions


Oliver hadn't seen Sara in a few days. He suspected she was hiding so she wouldn't be found by the League.

Oliver and Diggle were under the Verdant fighting with bamboo sticks on a mat as Felicity watched. They stopped when they heard heels clacking and Lydia came in. "Hello everyone," Lydia greeted. "You're happy," Felicity said. "What's the news?" "Nothing, just happy," she said.

Oliver took Diggle's stick and set it down on the table as he grabbed a shirt and put it on. "Is there anything happening in the city?" Oliver asked Felicity. "No, but you're mother's trial is tomorrow," she said. "I hope it goes well," he sighed. "Diggle, Felicity, let's go," Oliver said, walking out as they followed.


Lydia was left by herself in the hideout. She walked around, grazing her hand on each table. She stopped and turned to look at Oliver's Arrow suit displayed on a manikin. Lydia touched the green leather and exhaled. Her mind was clear and she closed her eyes.

When Lydia reopened her eyes she was still in the hideout but it was different. The walls had icicles forming and the room was tinted a gray-blue. When she exhaled again, a cloud of condensation escaped her mouth. She tightened her arms around herself to keep warm as her body temperature started to drop.

Lydia tried to move but only stumbled onto the side wall. She started to slide down wall into a fetal position as her skin tightened against her bones. There was aching on her face as if there were scabs on it. The quiet motor of the AC filled the silence in the room. The humming started turning into slight chatter and the voices bounced off the walls and into Lydia's head.


"Those are my initials," she slightly mumbled, as her lips began to turn blue.


"Am I going to die?" She asked, a tear escaped her eye and froze as it fell down her check.

Lyla Michaels

"Who is Lyla Michaels?" Lydia asked.

John Diggle. Lyla Michaels. Moscow, Russia.

Lydia snapped out of the trance, balled up on the side of the wall, screaming. Her body was starting warm up again as she looked around. She was back in the hideout by herself. Her happy day was clouded with the only thought in her mind, "Lyla Michaels."  


Lydia rushed to Queen Consolidated where Diggle was. She entered the building and was on the first floor. She went over to the front desk and stood there, waiting for the lady's attention. "I have a meeting with Oliver Queen," she told the receptionist. "Yes, you can go right ahead."

Lydia went over to the elevators and stayed for one of them to open. When they did, a few people walked out and she went in. Lydia clicked the button to the top floor and waited for them to close. As the elevator doors were sliding shut, a hand slipped through and stopped them. "Dr. Martin," someone said, walking into the box. "Ms. Rochev," Lydia greeted politely. Isabel was about to click a button when she stopped and saw that Lydia already clicked it. "Going to see Oliver?" She asked, getting a small nod from Lydia. The doors closed and the wires started pulling the elevator up.

Lydia glanced at Isabel who was wearing a black suit with heels, holding a few papers. Her black heavy curls dangled on her back as she stood there with a straight face. Lydia on the other hand, was wearing black suit pants that reached her ankles with a bright floral top. Her  tan coat kept her warm and she wore pointed black heels and was carrying a purse. Her ginger her was straightened and parted down the middle and flowed down her front and back.

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