Part 2

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Italics- Lydia's voices/ visions


Lydia heard a knock on the door of her office. She opened up to Detective Lance who waltzed in.

"Just come on in," she said, closing the door. He had already sat down on the couch and started to open files. Lydia sat down across him and looked at the papers. "Since your friend is back, I was wondering if he could help me with a case I was hardly able close?" He asked. Lydia nodded and Lance handed her a paper. "His name is Barton Mathis. Ever since the earthquake, multiple prisoners have escaped," he explained. "What does he do?" She asked. "He kidnaps women and tortures them. When he's done, he turns them into dolls and dresses them up, putting them into the city to be found," he told her.

Lydia looked at the photo of one of the recent victims. "He should be put in Eichen," she said to herself. "Why can't you call the Arrow?" She asked. "I gave you the phone." "Well, Laurel took it," he sighed. Lydia's eyes got big and she shook her head. "Okay, I'll tell him," she said. Lance got up and left her office.

Lydia took the files and left her office shortly after Lance. She was on her way to QC when she received a call from Laurel to meet up.

As soon as Lydia entered the CNRI, Laurel was already in the hallway waiting for her. "Last night, the Arrow went after the Triad because they were stealing medical supplies," Laurel said, leading her to her desk. "So he's not dead," Lydia concluded, sitting down in front of her. "Your dad told me that you have the phone he got from the vigilante," Lydia said. "It's the Arrow," Laurel said as she pulled it out the phone and showed her. "He comes to you sometimes, so say you're in danger," Lydia pitched. Laurel thought about it, "You're right." "I have to go," Lydia told her.

Lydia ended up not going to Queen Consolidated and was going to meet everyone at the Verdant.

"Hi Thea," Lydia greeted, entering the club. "Hey," she said, approaching her. "Thank you, for telling me to visit my mother," she said. "I really needed a push." Lydia smiled at her and gave her a nod. Thea went up the stairs to the storage room while Lydia went down.

Lydia waited for everyone to show up at the hideout. "Who are we taking down," Oliver asked. "Barton Mathis," she said. Felicity typed his name on the computer and pulled up his files. "He kidnaps and torture women then turn them into dolls," she explained. Lydia took out the pictures Lance gave her and set them on the table. "A doll maker," Diggle commented. "That's what Lance calls him," Lydia told them. "Does he pick randomly?" Oliver asked, getting a shrug from all of them. "I don't think so," Diggle said. "I'll hack into the police department's computers and get the evidence from the victims," Felicity told them, typing into the computer.

The Little Mermaid

Lydia froze and her eyes went big as she heard the whisper. She turned around and grabbed a photo from the table. A woman who had been placed on a gate had pale, glistening skin that kind of looked like her's. It was a cream that made the women's skin look that way, she figured.

She was dressed in a doll-like dress, holding a handkerchief. The woman's face began to shift. It was blurry for a short minute before it became clear. Felicity.

Lydia screamed, waking her up from her daze. "What happened?" Oliver asked, concerned. "Mathis looks for women who use a mermaid cream," she said. "Mermaid Magic," Felicity pitched in. "I use that." Diggle, Oliver, and Lydia looked at her as she leaned back in her chair, sighing. "Your next," Lydia said, softly.

"We're going to lure him out," Diggle said. "I'll do it," Felicity said. "No," Oliver said, firmly. He looked at Lydia with a 'please' face. Lydia groaned, "Fine. I'll tell Lance."

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