Part 8

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Italics- Lydia's voices/visions


Lydia woke up to the bright sun shining through the window. She turned over but Stiles wasn't in the bed. She got up and looked around, his stuff was still there but she figured he had left to work. She took a shower and straightened out her hair. She put on a long sleeve black dress with pink and red roses and wore boots and headed out the door.

Lydia drove to Queen Consolidated and went to the top floor. When she was walking down the hallway she found Oliver and Barry around Felicity's desk. "What's going on?," she asked. "Barry isn't supposed to be here. He lied about getting sent here from the Central City police department," Oliver explained. "Do you even work there?" Lydia looked at Felicity who was angry at Oliver then at Barry who had a guilty facial expression. "I did some digging and I found out that you've been looking into unexplainable cases to find out how your dad didn't kill your mother," Oliver added. "Oliver!" Felicity shouted. "What is wrong with you?" "No, Felicity. He's right," Barry finally said. He nodded at Felicity and Lydia before walking away.

Lydia took Oliver's arm and pulled him into his office. "What was the reason for that?" She asked him with slight anger and eyes wide. "He lied about who he is," he justified. "Okay and? His mother died by an anomaly and is trying to find out who or what did it," she let out. "I don't need this right now," he exhaled. "Yeah because you have trust issues and you're blinded by it when someone tells you otherwise," Lydia told him. She turned around and walked out of his office and smiled at Felicity. She gave Oliver a glare before she walked down the hallway.

While Lydia was in the elevator, she received a text from Stiles to meet at Laurel's work place. When she reached there, Stiles was hovering over Laurel's shoulder, looking at her computer. "You're here," Laurel noticed, looking up. Lydia sat down in front of her desk before Stiles started rambling. "So the Arrow tried to take down Cyrus Gold last night," he said. "So you both have the same obsession?" She asked. "That's not the point," Laurel chimed in. "He didn't put him down." "Okay and?" "That means we have a chance to do it," Stiles said. "No." "What? Why?" He asked. "If the Arrow couldn't put him down what makes you think we can?" She asked. "Lydia you're a banshee, you can do your thing," he whisper shouted. "I didn't say I couldn't, but I won't," she said. "Laurel, since Cyrus Gold is good friends with Sebastian Blood, why don't you ask him to go with you to Moira's welcome back thing tonight?" Laurel gave Lydia a long look. "I thought he was clean?" Stiles asked. "I don't know, just do it." She got out of her seat and headed out the door. Stiles caught up to her before she got into the car. "Sorry I left early," he apologized. "It's okay," she whispered as he kissed her forehead. "See you later?" He asked. "Yeah." She before getting in her car and drove off.



Oliver entered the Queen Mansion to already here chatter in the living room. Classical music was playing in the corner and there was a bar. There was a handful of people that where spread out throughout the room, talking amongst themselves.

"Hi Oliver," Moira greeted. Oliver gave her a big hug and pulled back. "Hi mom." "There's not a lot of people," she said wearily. "It's okay, they'll warm back up," he comforted her. Moira was called by someone and she went over. "Ollie," someone called out. He turned around to see Thea and Roy together. "Hey Speedy." He kissed her on the cheek and shook Roy's hand. "Do you think the city will take her back?" Thea asked. "I-I don't know," he muttered. Her head fell down and Roy pulled her away.

Oliver turned around and went to the bar. He asked the bartender for a drink and sipped it. "Hello Oliver." He turned his head and was met by Isabel Rochev. "Isabel," he stretched her name. "I'm surprised people even came," she said. "You did." She rolled her eyes and walked away. Oliver turned his body to look at the crowd and saw Felicity in her pink dress. He smiled at her and she slowly came over. "What do you want?" She asked, with slight anger in her voice. "I wanted to apologize how I went out on Barry this morning," he said. "You should be telling him," she said. "I could tell you have feelings for him," he let out. Felicity fell silent and looked at him. "Look," he said, eyeing someone afar. She turned her head and saw Barry standing at the entrance to the living room. They went over to him and smiled. "Barry," Oliver shook his hand. "They might ask for your ID at the bar," he warned. Barry took Felicity's hand and started dancing before he went back to the bar.

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