Part 10

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Italics- Lydia's voices


The team, including Stiles, all grouped at the hideout at night as a party was going on upstairs.

"I'll beep Roy's arrowhead to meet up with you in the alleyway," Felicity said. "Okay," Oliver nodded, putting on the eye mask Barry gave him and zipping up his green hoodie. "So this is what you guys do every night?" Stiles asked. "Yup," Oliver nodded. "So much easier than whatever the Nemeton throws at us," he commented. Oliver frowned at him then ignored it.

Oliver went out of the door leading to the alleyway and got on his bike. He rode out a few blocks away from the Verdant to pick up Roy. "You're finally taking me with you," he commented. "Well you're special now," Oliver told him. "You know," he said. "Get on." Roy put on his red Abercrombie jacket and flipped on the hood.

They reached a truck drop off station and saw dealers loading something onto the truck. Oliver's jaw slightly dropped when he saw it. "The earthquake device," he told Roy. "The one that destroyed the Glades," Roy figured. "You ready?" Oliver asked. Roy nodded clenching his jaw before they both ran towards the trucks.

Oliver shot an explosive arrow at the tire, so the truck wouldn't drive off. Someone came out from the side of the building. It was someone Oliver had already defeated before; the Bronze Tiger. "The Arrow," he snarled, showing off his claws that were attached to knuckle braces. Oliver drew an arrow and aimed it at him. Turner ran towards him and Oliver released the arrow but he deflected it, slamming him into the asphalt. Oliver pulled a small arrow that was strapped onto his leg and stabbed Turner in the back. Turner rolled over in pain, pulling the arrow out of his back as Oliver got up. He shot a rope arrow, tying him onto a pillar. Oliver stumbled back and saw him rip it off and run away.

When Oliver turned to Roy, he saw him punching a driver. "Roy!" He shouted, trying to make him stop. "That thing killed a lot of people," Roy grunted, smashing his fist into the guy's face. "Roy, stop!" He shouted again. "Speedy!" The words clicked in Roy's mind making him stop and look at what he had done. Oliver grabbed onto his shoulder to lift him as the driver spat blood. "Let's go," he said firmly.

Oliver came in the hideout and slammed his bow on the table. "I think we should tie him to a tree," he heard Stiles say. "Or chain him in a van." "I told you something would go wrong," Diggle spoke up. Oliver glared at him and leaned on the table. "I'll start the easier way," he said. "Slowly," Lydia pitched in.

Oliver zipped down his jacket, groaning from the pain of his misplaced joint because he got tackled by someone who weighed more than him. "Let me help," Lydia said. She grabbed his wrist, pulled it up, and popped his arm back in place. "Thank you," he exhaled. "I'll help you with Roy tomorrow," she said softly before standing back next to Stiles.


It was the morning and Lydia had just gotten out of bed. She wore dark blue jeans with a dark red sweater, black jacket, and boots. She came out of her room to see Stiles in the kitchen making coffee. "Hi," he grinned, handing her a mug. She kissed him on the cheek, leaving a taint of lipstick and drank the coffee. "Can I ask?" Stiles started with a serious face. "Why did you join the team?" Lydia had to think about it so she could put it into words. "They remind me of the pack," she explained. "Felicity is the smart one, I'm the banshee, Roy is the beta, and even though Laurel doesn't know, she's part of it." "What about Diggle and Oliver?" He asked. "John is a beta that can become an alpha," she told him. "Oliver... he and Derek are alike. No matter how hard they try to find a family, they will always be the lone wolf." "If Oliver was a werewolf, what color would his eyes be?" He asked curiously, leaning on the counter. She sighed and looked up at him, "The cold, icy blue eyes." Stiles exhaled, taking a sip of his coffee and set the mug down. "Anyways, I have to help the beta with anger issues," she said awkwardly.

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