Part 14

423 19 2

Italics- Lydia's voices


It was the morning and the team had grouped under the Verdant.

"Stiles was kidnapped by Slade?" Roy asked. "Or one of his men," Felicity added. "Felicity, run a scan on the city for Stiles Stilinski," Oliver ordered. "Mieczysław Stilinski," Lydia corrected. "Roy and Sara search the Glades. Also, everyone, Slade might show to my mother's campaign rally at the Verdant," Oliver said before everyone started their work.

"If Stiles dies," Lydia started to Oliver. "Slade won't be able to fulfill that promise he made to you." She and Diggle both left the hideout. "She will kill him," Felicity said, typing on the computer. "I know."

Oliver walked in the Verdant through the entrance to people setting up red, white, and blue balloons and other decorations.

"Thea," he called out. She approached him, holding onto a clipboard and didn't smile the way she usually did. "What's wrong with you? You haven't been around the house and you're awkward around mom," she said. "I've just been really busy with the company," he lied, knowing that he's hardly ever there. "Mhm," she rolled her eyes and walked away.


Multiple people, including city officials, had gathered at the Verdant for Oliver's mother to start her campaign and what she had to offer to the city.

"Oliver Queen," Sebastian greeted, shaking his hand. "Sebastian Blood, good to see you," he smiled. "It's great to have an opponent in this election. It makes me have the drive to become mayor and save this city," Sebastian said.

His mother went up on the stage and began her speech while everyone listened. "No one has found anything," Diggle whispered into Oliver's ear. "Keep searching," he sighed. Oliver's phone lit up and he received a text from Felicity, 'Isabel at QC'. Oliver looked up at his mother who was still talking before he left the Verdant.

Oliver entered the conference room of Queen Consolidated as the board was creating new ideas.

"You're late," Isabel said as he entered. Many things were going on in his life at the moment, he could hardly care about the company. "What's going on?" He asked. "Actually, you know what. I'm writing a note for you to become CEO pro tempo," he said, writing on paper. "This is a big task, are you sure?" She asked. "Yes," and he handed the paper to her before leaving.

On Oliver's way down the elevator, he texts Lydia, 'where are you?' It was a few minutes before she replied, 'with Laurel. We're doing something.' What could Lydia absolutely be doing while her boyfriend had been kidnapped by Oliver's enemy?


Lydia and Laurel were walking down the hallways of Starling City's mental health hospital, looking for room 342.

"Here it is," Laurel said, looking off to left. She twisted the door handle and entered the room. "Maya Resik?" Laurel asked.

Lydia saw that she was in the corner, her knees up to her chest, and she was holding a cross. "Hello there," she bent down next to her. Lydia could tell she was terrified like the way she was when she had visions. "What do you want?" She asked shakily. "We want to ask you about Sebastian Blood," Laurel pitched in. "Oh my little boy," she cried. "The devil! Sebastian is the devil."

Lydia made eye contact with Laurel who continued to ask her a question. "Why is Sebastian the devil?" "Because he put me in here," she explained, holding her cross tighter. "I completely understand," Lydia said. "What did you do?" "When Sebastian was younger, his father came home drunk," she began, actually looking up at them. "Oh my god, you're his mother," Laurel figured out. "Continue the story." "His father started to yell at me. When I heard a gunshot, the yelling stopped. I turned over and saw Sebastian holding a gun," she told them. "He put me in here, the devil in the skull mask!"

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