Part 16

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Italics- Lydia's voices/visions


Oliver exited the hospital to the rising sun with his mind filled with the people who are blonde that could die next. There were Felicity and Sara. He wasn't sure if Slade knew who Felicity was but he definitely knew Slade didn't like Sara. Oliver's mind went somewhere else, his mother.

His entered the Queen's mansion to see his mother in the foyer looking up at the stairs. When he turned his head, he saw Thea coming down with a suitcase.

"Speedy, what's wrong?" He asked. "Don't call me that," she said strongly. "How could you not tell me that Malcolm Merlyn was my father?!" Oliver's heart sank, knowing that Roy should've spoken with her. "You seemed so happy," he said. "So happy? I have a right to know!" She shouted, dragging her suitcase to the door. "Where are you going?" Moira asked. "Somewhere other than here." "Thea wait," Oliver called out and she turned around. "Dad knew. He knew that you weren't his but loved you more," he explained, trying to get through to her. She stepped up and looked him in the eyes, "Well I guess Dad's a liar, just like the both of you."

It was a moment after Thea had left, that Oliver received a text from Felicity, 'Slade stole something from STAR labs.' He sighed and headed out the door.


Lydia had been discharged that morning and Stiles had switched her bandages before leaving for work. She sat cross-legged on the couch in sweats and a t-shirt, drinking tea quietly. Her mind was absolutely blank as she stared at the fireplace and took a sip from her mug. She exhaled deeply trying to figure out exactly who was going to die next, but nothing came up.

Lydia heard a knock on the door and got up. She slowly walked to the door and opened it. Her eyes went up and down from the person, confusedly. "Hi Lydia," Thea sniffled. "I-I don't have anywhere else to go. My brother and mom are liars and Roy left me." Lydia could hardly speak so she nodded and opened the door wider for her to come in.

Thea rolled her suitcase in behind her and she sat on the couch, looking around Lydia's apartment. "Nice place," she broke a smile. "Want tea?" Lydia croaked. "Sure." She went into the kitchen and poured the hot tea into a mug before handing it to Thea.

"What happened?" Thea asked, pointing to her neck. "Slade." "I was terrified from last night but now I'm..." Thea trailed off. "Grateful?" "Yeah. Ho-how did you know Malcolm Merlyn was my father?" She asked. "I know a lot of things. But as of right now, nothing," Lydia explained. Thea looked at her trying to understand but she just nodded it off.

"But now Malcolm's dead, so I don't know how to feel about that," she said. Lydia frowned from the sentence but then drank her tea, hiding the expression. "Is it wrong that I tried to hit on Tommy?" She asked. Lydia smirked and shook her head.


Lydia's eyes went big from the whisper but was disappointed by what it was trying to tell her. She was expecting a voice telling her about the blonde who was going to die next.


She froze, with mug still in her hands and Thea staring at her. "Lydia, are you okay?" She asked concernedly. "Biotransufer," she whispered. "Uh... it's a device that can transfer blood to more than one person," Thea explained. "I know what it is," Lydia told her, pulling out her phone. "Wait, please don't tell Ollie that I'm here," Thea pleaded. "What? No! I completely understand. You can have the spare room down the hallway," she said.

Lydia went into her room and took a shower. When she got out, she put on a new bandage and put on a dark red sweater and dark blue jeans. She slipped on a black leather jacket and boots and went into the kitchen. She went into a drawer and pulled out all of the supernatural things she had in jars; mountain ash, mistletoe, mercury, and Kanima venom. "Thea," she called out, putting the venom in her pocket. For some reason, she had to ask her one question, "Where did Roy leave to?" "Uhm... Bloodhaven," she said. "Why?" "Thank you," she said, leaving her apartment.

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