Part 12

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Italics- Lydia's voices


It was the next morning and Oliver, Diggle, and Sara were practicing with bamboo sticks as Felicity watched and Lydia was in her own world.

"Let's take a break," he said, setting down his stick. "You guys have so many scars," Felicity commented, looking at them. "Yeah. This one is a bullet wound," Diggle said, pointing at his arm. "I got this one from a sword," Sara chuckled, looking down at her stomach. "Shot with an arrow." Oliver touched his chest that had a spiderwebbed stitch on it. "Lydia what about you?" He asked. She snapped out of her mind and looked up. "Um..." she drifted off thinking. "Attacked by a werewolf, almost strangled to death by a dark Druid for her sacrifices, uh... Kanima tail to the stomach, old werewolf clawed me in the throat, and the rest are mental. But I'm still standing." Everything she said was so blunt and straightforward she managed a smile and everyone stared at her. "I have scars from my wisdom teeth," Felicity pitched in. "Keep it that way," Lydia told her before she went back into her mind.

"Sara. I was thinking about throwing you a Welcome Back party," he offered. "Ollie, I don't think so," she denied. "But your family knows that you're back," he explained. "Fine."

Oliver went home to start planning when his mother and sister were in the living room. "Hi everyone," he said with a smile. "Hi Ollie," Thea grinned, "Mom said she's going to run for Mayor." "What do you think?" Moira asked. "I think it's a great idea," he nodded. "I'm going to announce it tomorrow," she explained. "Alright. Oh and there's going to be a gathering this evening for Sara," he added.


People started to enter the Queen Mansion while Oliver was in the living room. He went to the foyer to greet people with a smile to see the sun was barely starting to set. His smile grew when he saw Lydia in a dark blue jumpsuit and a black coat with her strawberry blonde straight hair flowing down her back. It only faded the moment Stiles walked in behind her and placed a hand to her waist and they approached him.

"Hi," he greeted, shaking Stiles's hand firmly and Lydia smiled. Everyone turned when they heard clapping and Sara entered. She gave Thea and Moira a full hug as she gave Sin and Roy a side hug as if she didn't know them. Lance came to them and introduced Sara to Stiles and Lydia since he didn't know they knew each other. "Where's Laurel?" Oliver asked. "I don't know. She's probably taking her own way on this," Dinah explained. "She'll warm-up."

"Wanna get a drink?" Stiles asked Lydia right in front of Oliver and she ended up following him to the bar.


Lydia ordered a glass of champagne and drank from it as Stiles watched her. "You've been off all day, what's wrong?" He asked. "Remember how I figured out Peter was Malia's dad and you and Scott tried to keep her last name a secret and it didn't work out?" She asked, keeping a straight face. "Yeah." "Well that is happening again," she said. "Oh my god," he sighed. "I don't want to know who, but tell them or it'll get messy."

Lydia's phone buzzed and she opened the message. "Felicity said there's a bank robbery," she said showing Stiles. "I just got one too, but from Lance," he said, glancing at him. "Gotta go," he kissed her cheek before leaving. She turned to see Oliver staring at her and when they caught each other's gaze, he left with Sara. She guessed they had gotten the same message too.

The guests started to leave when they saw Sara wasn't there anymore. When the house was empty, Lydia went to Moira who was in one of the living rooms, staring at the fire and drinking. "Moira," she called out softly. "Lydia," she smiled, setting down her drink. Lydia came closer and looked in her eyes, "I know Robert isn't Thea's father." "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. "Ugh, don't lie. I put the pieces together," she said. "Or you heard the voices tell you," Moira told her, "I don't know if Oliver knows what you are but I see the way he looks at you. If you tell him, it would absolutely break his heart." "You stupid bitch. If I told him he would know that his mother is a liar and I don't keep secrets," she said. Moira slapped her cheek and she winced. "I don't want you seeing him anymore." Lydia was completely baffled at what Moira had just done. "Since you know what I am," she began, "When you're about to die, I will not scream. The whispers will keep telling me to say something about it, but I will just let the circle of life play out on itself."

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