Part 6

616 19 2

Italics- Lydia's voices


Lydia pulled away from Stiles grasp and kissed him on the lips. "How'd you know I was here?" She asked. "Parrish told me you visited last year and he said you were here," he explained. Lydia smiled and turned around. "This is Stiles Stilinski," she introduced. "Oliver Queen," Oliver said, shaking his hand. "Good grip," Stiles grinned. "And you've already met Detective Lance," Lydia added. "Sorry, I have to go, my mother's trial is in a few," Oliver said, leaving. "I'm going," Lance said. "Me too, that's the main reason I came," Stiles said. "I guess we're all going," Lydia said, clapping her hands. She grabbed her stuff and followed everyone out the door.

Lance and Oliver has driven in their own cars, while Stiles was in the car with Lydia. "Did you bring your Jeep?" She asked. "Of course I did. I fixed up the engines and got a fresh coat of paint," he smiled. Lydia parked behind a car on the street.. "We're here," she said. Lydia and Stiles got of the car and went up the stairs of the courthouse.

When they entered the building, multiple reporters were inside, flashing pictures at Thea, Oliver, and Moira who were with Laurel and Lance. The two of them approached the frantic group. "It's time," Laurel told them. Diggle escorted everyone up the stairs and into the courtroom.

Lydia and Stiles were standing next to Lance and Laurel and a row behind Thea and Oliver. The judge came in and everyone sat down. "Moira Queen v. Starling City," someone said and the trial began.

Lydia hardly payed attention after it started. She drifted off into her own world, looking at the back of Oliver's head. Lydia snapped out of her daze when Thea was called up to speak. Adam Donner got up and walked over to her to ask questions. "Thea, do you think you're mother is guilty?" He asked. "No," she replied. "Then why did it take you six months to visit your mother after The Undertaking?" He asked. Thea stammered into the microphone and couldn't find the words to speak. "So if Moira Queen's one daughter couldn't forgive her quickly, what makes you think this city will?" Donner announced. He walked over to a desk and pulled out a file and flipped a pages and pulled up a paper. "Divine move," Lydia whispered to Stiles. He looked at her with wide eyes. "He's going to pull a divine move," she said. Stiles nodded and started breathing heavily. He grasped his chest and started wheezing. "Help, he needs help!" Lydia cried out. Oliver turned around and everyone in the room started clamoring. Oliver tried to help Stiles up be fainted in his arms. "Call 911!" Oliver shouted. Lance pulled out his phone and dialed a few numbers.

Everyone was escorted out or the courtroom and into the foyer. The paramedics came quickly and took Stiles to the hospital. "What the hell was that?" Oliver asked her. "A necessary distraction," Lydia said. "From what?" He asked. "Donner was going to say something that would put your mother's trial in jeopardy," she explained. "Like what?" He asked. "I don't know, it was a feeling." "You just delayed her case," he said firmly.

Lydia caught a glance of Laurel behind Oliver and went over to her. "Hi Laurel," she greeted. Laurel stopped walking and turned to her. "Hi." "Uhm, since you and Donner are close, do you know what he was going to say next?" She asked. "No. It was a trump card. Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you," Laurel said. "Okay." Lydia turned around and went back to Oliver and Diggle. "Does she know anything?" Oliver asked. "No." Diggle sneezed and his eyes puffed up. "You okay?" Lydia asked. "Yeah, slight cold," he said. "I'm gonna go to the hospital," Lydia told them before leaving.

Lydia drove to the hospital and asked for Stiles Stilinski. She walked in his room and approached his bed. "Great distraction," Lydia told him. "My specialty," he smiled. "Is he Void?" He asked. "No, just a divine move," she said. "Do you know it?" He asked. "No, but it will be revealed." Lydia handed his flannel that was on a chair to put over his white shirt. She went over to him and pressed her forehead against his. "I love you," she said softly, giving him a kiss. Stiles made a big grin, "I love you too." "Let's go to my place," she said. "Okay, but I need to get Roscoe," he said, getting off the bed. "Where is it?" She asked. "At the precinct."

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