Part 11

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Italics- Lydia's voices


Lydia was sitting outside of Laurel's room at the hospital, waiting for the doctor to come out.

"Lydia," Lance rushed in. "What happened?" "Laurel passed out in her apartment," she explained. "I don't know if she took the pills that were on her table." The doctor came out and approached the two. "Laurel's going to be okay, you guys can go in," he said.

Lydia followed Lance into the room and went beside her bed. "Hi," she said weakly with a faint smile. "Oh my baby girl," Lance said emotionally, hugging her. "How are you doing?" Lydia asked her. "I'm in here but I'm doing great," she smiled. Lydia glanced at Lance wondering if she was having side effects. "Dad, I saw Sara," she said, holding onto his hand and he smiled. "Lydia, I was wondering if you could tell if Sara's alive or not," she said. "Yeah sure. When you get out, I'll do it," she told her. She looked past Lance outside and saw a figure across the building; it was Sara. She was in her costume, watching over her family. "I gotta go."

Lydia went under the Verdant and into the hideout and saw Roy, Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and Stiles all staring at someone. "Sara," Lydia said and she turned around. "Hi, is Laurel okay?" She asked. "Yeah."

Lydia went over to Stiles and stood next to him. "Your family asked me to help them search to see if you were still alive," Stiles spoke up. "What am I supposed to do now?" "Laurel asked me too," Lydia said. "Just don't tell them yet," Sara answered. "Why not?" Stiles asked. "The League still wants me back," she explained. "What's the League?" Stiles whispered to Lydia. "League of Assassins," she explained. "That's pretty cool."

Felicity's computer started beeping and she turned around. The screen showed something through a city camera and everyone huddled around her. "What's that?" she asked. "Purple smoke. The League wants to meet up," Sara said. "Roy, Lydia, we're coming with you," Oliver told her. Sara pursed her lips, "Fine."

The four of them entered a wet building that signed the purple smoke. They walked down a dark hallway that had bowls of fire leading to the center. A few assassins were in their masks surrounding someone. "Nyssa," Sara called. She removed her red cloth, putting her hands behind her back and stepped forward, examining each of them. "Hello," she greeted, her accent stretching the word. "I know what you did," Sara accused. "You poisoned Laurel with Tibetan Pit Viper Venom to draw me out." "It did work," she smiled. "She could've died!" She exclaimed. "I put enough."

Lydia could tell Nyssa didn't care, she just wanted her love back. But when you love someone, you don't dare touch their family. You cross one, you cross all of them; is what Lydia learned.

Nyssa waved her hand and the assassins pulled out their swords and ready to fight the four of them. Sara pulled out her staff, Oliver drew his bow, Roy held up his fists and Lydia stood there, not fazed at all. Nyssa nodded her head and they charged. Lydia slid under one of them and kicked them in the back with her heel. One punch at an assassin with Roy's fist put them down. Oliver shot multiple arrows at a few assassins as Sara went head to head with Nyssa. When they thought they were done, more assassins ran in from the side. "Lydia!" Sara shouted, tossing her bo-staff. Lydia snapped it in half and it turned into two. She faced the flock of assassins that were running in and screamed. She used the poles to conduct her voice and they all flew back, landing on each other.

"Stop!" Nyssa yelled. Her men got up groaning and stood beside her, waiting for the next move as the four of them regrouped. Nyssa stepped forward, her focus on Lydia. "The Wailing Woman. The Harbinger of Death. The Banshee," she listed absolute fear in her eyes. She switched to Sara and said, "You will come back." Then Nyssa and the league all turned around and walked out.

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